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ImageItem No.Description
Set No: 30569  Name: LEGO Stand polybag 30569-1 (InvLEGO Stand polybag
43 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 2021
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 60023  Name: City Starter Set 60023-1 (InvCity Starter Set
250 Parts, 5 Minifigures, 1 Book, 2013
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 60086  Name: City Starter Set 60086-1 (InvCity Starter Set
217 Parts, 5 Minifigures, 2015
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 60308  Name: Seaside Police and Fire Mission 60308-1 (InvSeaside Police and Fire Mission
278 Parts, 4 Minifigures, 2021
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 60319  Name: Fire Rescue & Police Chase 60319-1 (InvFire Rescue & Police Chase
281 Parts, 3 Minifigures, 2022
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 60343  Name: Rescue Helicopter Transport 60343-1 (InvRescue Helicopter Transport
206 Parts, 2 Minifigures, 2022
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 60371  Name: Emergency Vehicles HQ 60371-1 (InvEmergency Vehicles HQ
685 Parts, 5 Minifigures, 2023
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 60462  Name: Helicopter, Fire Truck & Submarine Remix 60462-1 Helicopter, Fire Truck & Submarine Remix
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66116  Name: City Emergency Services Vehicles (7235, 7236, 7245, 7890, 7902, 7903) 66116-1 (InvCity Emergency Services Vehicles (7235, 7236, 7245, 7890, 7902, 7903)
6 Sets, 2006
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66117  Name: Offre Speciale (7235, 7236, 7238, 7241) 66117-1 (InvOffre Speciale (7235, 7236, 7238, 7241)
4 Sets, 2007
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66175  Name: City Rescue Pack (7236, 7238, 7890, 7944) 66175-1 (InvCity Rescue Pack (7236, 7238, 7890, 7944)
4 Sets, 2007
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66177  Name: City Rescue Pack (7238, 7890, 7944) 66177-1 (InvCity Rescue Pack (7238, 7890, 7944)
3 Sets, 2007
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66247  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack (Copack of Sets 7741, 7890, and 7942) 66247-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack (Copack of Sets 7741, 7890, and 7942)
3 Sets, 2008
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66255  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 6 in 1 (Sets 7235, 7236, 7741, 7890, 7942, and 7945) 66255-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 6 in 1 (Sets 7235, 7236, 7741, 7890, 7942, and 7945)
6 Sets, 2008
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66256  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack (Copack of Sets 7242, 7733, 7990, and 7991) 66256-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack (Copack of Sets 7242, 7733, 7990, and 7991)
4 Sets, 2008
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66258  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack (Copack of Sets 7990, 7991, and 7993) 66258-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack (Copack of Sets 7990, 7991, and 7993)
3 Sets, 2008
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66307  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 7245, 7732, and 8401) 66307-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 7245, 7732, and 8401)
3 Sets, 2009
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66326  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 4 in 1 (Sets 7239, 7245, 7638, and 8401) 66326-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 4 in 1 (Sets 7239, 7245, 7638, and 8401)
4 Sets, 2009
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66328  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 6 in 1 (Sets 5610, 5612, 5613, 7236, 7630, and 7942) 66328-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 6 in 1 (Sets 5610, 5612, 5613, 7236, 7630, and 7942)
6 Sets, 2009
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66329  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 7236, 7741, and 7942) 66329-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 7236, 7741, and 7942)
3 Sets, 2009
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66330  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 5 in 1 (Sets 5620, 7632, 7746, 7990, and 8401) 66330-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 5 in 1 (Sets 5620, 7632, 7746, 7990, and 8401)
5 Sets, 2009
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66345  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 4 in 1 (Sets 3177, 7241, 7634, and 7638) 66345-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 4 in 1 (Sets 3177, 7241, 7634, and 7638)
4 Sets, 2010
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66451  Name: City Bundle Pack (Sets 4431, 4432, 4433, and 4435) 66451-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack (Sets 4431, 4432, 4433, and 4435)
4 Sets, 2012
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66475  Name: City Bundle Pack, 3 in 1 Super Pack (Sets 60003, 60007, and 60013) - Heroes to the rescue 66475-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, 3 in 1 Super Pack (Sets 60003, 60007, and 60013) - Heroes to the rescue
3 Sets, 2013
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66476  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 60001, 60011, and 60043) 66476-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 60001, 60011, and 60043)
3 Sets, 2014
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66523  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 60053, 60055, and 60060) 66523-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 60053, 60055, and 60060)
3 Sets, 2015
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66559  Name: Ultimate LEGO City Hero Pack 5 in 1 (60100, 60106, 60136, 60157, 60163) 66559-1 (InvUltimate LEGO City Hero Pack 5 in 1 (60100, 60106, 60136, 60157, 60163)
5 Sets, 2017
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66586  Name: City Bundle Pack (Sets 60177 and 60178) 66586-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack (Sets 60177 and 60178)
2 Sets, 2018
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66615  Name: City / Classic Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 10715, 60180, and 60218) 66615-1 (InvCity / Classic Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Sets 10715, 60180, and 60218)
3 Sets, 2019
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66619  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Set 60207, 60212, and 60239) 66619-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 3 in 1 (Set 60207, 60212, and 60239)
3 Sets, 2019
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66636  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 2 in 1 (Sets 60250 and 60251) 66636-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 2 in 1 (Sets 60250 and 60251)
2 Sets, 2020
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66637  Name: City Bundle Pack, Super Pack 2 in 1 (Sets 60247 and 60249) 66637-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Super Pack 2 in 1 (Sets 60247 and 60249)
2 Sets, 2020
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66640  Name: City Bundle Pack (Sets 60247 and 60250) 66640-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack (Sets 60247 and 60250)
2 Sets, 2020
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66643  Name: City Bundle Pack, 3 in 1 (Sets 60207, 60213, and 60219) 66643-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, 3 in 1 (Sets 60207, 60213, and 60219)
3 Sets, 2020
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66645  Name: City Bundle Pack (Sets 60224 and 60225) 66645-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack (Sets 60224 and 60225)
2 Sets, 2020
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66662  Name: City Bundle Pack (Sets 60284 and 60286) 66662-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack (Sets 60284 and 60286)
2 Sets, 2021
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66682  Name: City Bundle Pack, 3 in 1 (Sets 60239, 60241, and 60242) 66682-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, 3 in 1 (Sets 60239, 60241, and 60242)
3 Sets, 2021
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66684  Name: City Bundle Pack, 2 in 1 Gift Set (Sets 60256 and 60285 with Storage Case) - LEGO City Vehicles Gift Set 66684-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, 2 in 1 Gift Set (Sets 60256 and 60285 with Storage Case) - LEGO City Vehicles Gift Set
2 Sets, 5 Gear, 2021
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66686  Name: City Bundle Pack (Sets 60220, 60249, and 60251) 66686-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack (Sets 60220, 60249, and 60251)
3 Sets, 2021
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 66772  Name: City Bundle Pack, 2 in 1 Combo Pack with Bonus Pack (Sets 30590, 60287, and 60385) - Big Wheel Gift Set 66772-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, 2 in 1 Combo Pack with Bonus Pack (Sets 30590, 60287, and 60385) - Big Wheel Gift Set
3 Sets, 2023
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 81007  Name: Design Your Own LEGO City Set 81007-1 Design Your Own LEGO City Set
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 764521  Name: City Bundle Pack (Copack of Sets 7239 and 7733) 764521-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack (Copack of Sets 7239 and 7733)
2 Sets, 2008
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 851847  Name: Ludo 851847-1 (InvLudo
9 Parts, 16 Minifigures, 2 Gear, 2006
Catalog: SetsTownCityGames
Set No: 952303  Name: Worker with Lawn Mower paper bag 952303-1 (InvWorker with Lawn Mower paper bag
27 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 2023
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 4287744  Name: City Value Pack - 7241, 7246 - shrinkwrapped, Target Country in Australia 4287744-1 (InvCity Value Pack - 7241, 7246 - shrinkwrapped, Target Country in Australia
2 Sets, 2005
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 4499536  Name: Offre Speciale 4 Boites (7236, 7238, 7235, 7241) 4499536-1 (InvOffre Speciale 4 Boites (7236, 7238, 7235, 7241)
4 Sets, 2007
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 4499572  Name: Parcheesi 4499572-1 (InvParcheesi
9 Parts, 16 Minifigures, 2 Gear, 2006
Catalog: SetsTownCityGames
Set No: 5004932  Name: Travel Building Suitcase 5004932-1 (InvTravel Building Suitcase
34 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 1 Book, 1 Gear, 2017
Catalog: SetsTownCity
Set No: 8842497  Name: City Bundle Pack, Bundle Deal 2 in 1 (Sets 60219 and 60223) 8842497-1 (InvCity Bundle Pack, Bundle Deal 2 in 1 (Sets 60219 and 60223)
2 Sets, 2019
Catalog: SetsTownCityValue Packs
Set No: citybigbox  Name: The Ultimate LEGO City Vehicles Box citybigbox-1 (InvThe Ultimate LEGO City Vehicles Box
21 Sets, 2016
Catalog: SetsTownCity
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