Catalog: Parts: Minifigure, Legs, Modified: 41879: Known Colors: Sand Blue Color
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Sand Blue Legs Short

Part No: 41879  Name: Legs Short

This Part appears in at least the following items:

[ List | List with Images | Thumbnail Gallery | Summary ]

 Item No  Description   Year 
Appears As Regular:
  Sand Blue:
 1 in 7962-1 (Inv)Anakin's & Sebulba's Podracers
792 Parts, 5 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsStar WarsStar Wars Episode 1
2011Set No: 7962  Name: Anakin's & Sebulba's Podracers
 1 in 40714-1 (Inv)Carousel Ride
220 Parts, 3 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsCreatorModelRecreation
2024Set No: 40714  Name: Carousel Ride
 1 in 75978-1 (Inv)Diagon Alley
5475 Parts, 17 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsHarry Potter
2020Set No: 75978  Name: Diagon Alley
 1 in 21351-1 (Inv)Disney Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
2143 Parts, 8 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsLEGO Ideas (CUUSOO)DisneyThe Nightmare Before Christmas
2024Set No: 21351  Name: Disney Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
 1 in 60423-1 (Inv)Downtown Streetcar
787 Parts, 6 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownCityTraffic
2024Set No: 60423  Name: Downtown Streetcar
 1 in 31119-1 (Inv)Ferris Wheel
982 Parts, 5 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsCreatorModelRecreation
2021Set No: 31119  Name: Ferris Wheel
 1 in 60347-1 (Inv)Grocery Store
384 Parts, 5 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownCityFood & Drink
2022Set No: 60347  Name: Grocery Store
 1 in 76405-1 (Inv)Hogwarts Express - Collectors' Edition
5046 Parts, 20 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsHarry PotterSculptures
2022Set No: 76405  Name: Hogwarts Express - Collectors' Edition
 1 in 75932-1 (Inv)Jurassic Park Velociraptor Chase
337 Parts, 4 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsJurassic WorldJurassic Park
2018Set No: 75932  Name: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Chase
 1 in 40429-1 (Inv)LEGOLAND NINJAGO World
424 Parts, 4 Minifigures
2020Set No: 40429  Name: LEGOLAND NINJAGO World
 1 in 70425-1 (Inv)Newbury Haunted High School
1440 Parts, 8 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsHidden Side
2019Set No: 70425  Name: Newbury Haunted High School
 1 in 60326-1 (Inv)Picnic in the park
135 Parts, 3 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownCityRecreation
2022Set No: 60326  Name: Picnic in the park
 1 in 75096-1 (Inv)Sith Infiltrator
620 Parts, 8 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsStar WarsStar Wars Episode 1
2015Set No: 75096  Name: Sith Infiltrator
 1 in 853677-1 (Inv)Stone Monsters Accessory Set blister pack
5 Parts, 3 Minifigures
2017Set No: 853677  Name: Stone Monsters Accessory Set blister pack
 1 in 70350-1 (Inv)The Three Brothers
251 Parts, 3 Minifigures
2017Set No: 70350  Name: The Three Brothers
 1 in 80116-1 (Inv)Trotting Lantern
1275 Parts, 5 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsHoliday & EventChinese New Year
2025Set No: 80116  Name: Trotting Lantern
 1 in 76961-1 (Inv)Visitor Center: T. rex & Raptor Attack
655 Parts, 6 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsJurassic WorldJurassic Park
2023Set No: 76961  Name: Visitor Center: T. rex & Raptor Attack
 1 in hp392 (Inv)Albus Severus Potter - Epilogue
Catalog: MinifiguresHarry PotterDeathly Hallows
2022Minifig No: hp392  Name: Albus Severus Potter - Epilogue
 1 in idea197 (Inv)Barrel
Catalog: MinifiguresLEGO Ideas (CUUSOO)DisneyThe Nightmare Before Christmas
2024Minifig No: idea197  Name: Barrel
 1 in cty1352 (Inv)Boy, Red Jacket with Striped Trim, Sand Blue Short Legs, Dark Brown Hair
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCityRecreation
2022Minifig No: cty1352  Name: Boy, Red Jacket with Striped Trim, Sand Blue Short Legs, Dark Brown Hair
 1 in twn499 (Inv)Child - Boy, Bright Green Sweater with Bright Light Yellow Zigzag Lines, Sand Blue Short Legs, Black Hair Wavy, Freckles
Catalog: MinifiguresTown
2024Minifig No: twn499  Name: Child - Boy, Bright Green Sweater with Bright Light Yellow Zigzag Lines, Sand Blue Short Legs, Black Hair Wavy, Freckles
 1 in cty1786 (Inv)Child - Boy, Bright Green Sweater with Bright Light Yellow Zigzag Lines, Sand Blue Short Legs, Reddish Brown Hair
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCityTraffic
2024Minifig No: cty1786  Name: Child - Boy, Bright Green Sweater with Bright Light Yellow Zigzag Lines, Sand Blue Short Legs, Reddish Brown Hair
 1 in hol374 (Inv)Child - Boy, White Jacket with Black Sleeves, Sand Blue Short Legs, Black Hair
Catalog: MinifiguresHoliday & EventChinese New Year
2025Minifig No: hol374  Name: Child - Boy, White Jacket with Black Sleeves, Sand Blue Short Legs, Black Hair
 1 in twn415 (Inv)Child - Boy, White Sweater with Red Horizontal Stripes, Sand Blue Short Legs, Dark Brown Hair, Freckles
Catalog: MinifiguresTown
2021Minifig No: twn415  Name: Child - Boy, White Sweater with Red Horizontal Stripes, Sand Blue Short Legs, Dark Brown Hair, Freckles
 1 in cty1481 (Inv)Child - Girl, Bright Pink Hoodie with Medium Blue and White Diagonal Stripes, Sand Blue Short Legs, Dark Orange Hair with Pigtails, Freckles
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCity
2022Minifig No: cty1481  Name: Child - Girl, Bright Pink Hoodie with Medium Blue and White Diagonal Stripes, Sand Blue Short Legs, Dark Orange Hair with Pigtails, Freckles
 1 in nex116 (Inv)Gargoyle - Dark Purple Wings, Short Legs
Catalog: MinifiguresNEXO KNIGHTS
2017Minifig No: nex116  Name: Gargoyle - Dark Purple Wings, Short Legs
 1 in LLP017 (Inv)LEGOLAND Park Boy with Black Hair, Green Ninjago Hoodie, Sand Blue Short Legs
Catalog: MinifiguresLEGOLAND Parks
2020Minifig No: LLP017  Name: LEGOLAND Park Boy with Black Hair, Green Ninjago Hoodie, Sand Blue Short Legs
 1 in jw029 (Inv)Lex Murphy - Medium Lavender Tank Top
Catalog: MinifiguresJurassic WorldJurassic Park
2018Minifig No: jw029  Name: Lex Murphy - Medium Lavender Tank Top
 1 in jw114 (Inv)Lex Murphy - Medium Nougat Tank Top
Catalog: MinifiguresJurassic WorldJurassic Park
2023Minifig No: jw114  Name: Lex Murphy - Medium Nougat Tank Top
 1 in nex070 (Inv)Reex
Catalog: MinifiguresNEXO KNIGHTS
2017Minifig No: nex070  Name: Reex
 1 in hp248 (Inv)Ron Weasley - Black Torso Gryffindor Robe
Catalog: MinifiguresHarry Potter
2020Minifig No: hp248  Name: Ron Weasley - Black Torso Gryffindor Robe
 1 in nex108 (Inv)Stone Monster - Short Legs, Spiked Headgear
Catalog: MinifiguresNEXO KNIGHTS
2017Minifig No: nex108  Name: Stone Monster - Short Legs, Spiked Headgear
 1 in hs017 (Inv)Wade
Catalog: MinifiguresHidden Side
2019Minifig No: hs017  Name: Wade
 1 in sw0325 (Inv)Watto - Printed Head, Dark Bluish Gray Hands
Catalog: MinifiguresStar WarsStar Wars Episode 1
2011Minifig No: sw0325  Name: Watto - Printed Head, Dark Bluish Gray Hands
 1 in sw0649 (Inv)Watto - Printed Head, Tan Hands
Catalog: MinifiguresStar WarsStar Wars Episode 1
2015Minifig No: sw0649  Name: Watto - Printed Head, Tan Hands
 1 in b17nex02uk (Inv)NEXO KNIGHTS - Clash, Boom, Bang! (Softcover) (English - UK Edition)
Catalog: BooksActivity BookNEXO KNIGHTS
2017Book No: b17nex02uk  Name: NEXO KNIGHTS - Clash, Boom, Bang! (Softcover) (English - UK Edition)
 1 in b17nex02nl (Inv)NEXO KNIGHTS - Knal, Boem, Beng! (Softcover) (Dutch Edition)
Catalog: BooksActivity BookNEXO KNIGHTS
2017Book No: b17nex02nl  Name: NEXO KNIGHTS - Knal, Boem, Beng! (Softcover) (Dutch Edition)
 1 in b17nex02pl (Inv)NEXO KNIGHTS - Potworna potyczka (Softcover) (Polish Edition)
Catalog: BooksActivity BookNEXO KNIGHTS
2017Book No: b17nex02pl  Name: NEXO KNIGHTS - Potworna potyczka (Softcover) (Polish Edition)


 Color  In   Total Qty 
Appears As Regular:
 Sand Blue 38  38 

Please consider uploading an image in the specific color if you have one and the one in the above listing is not available.