About Me Pages: About strobe (46)

Me the Buyer:

I'm flexible, if you don't have some of the parts in my order for some reason, let me know and I'll gladly pick something else of similar value. I pay as soon as I get the invoice, and if you prefer paypal in a currency other than US$, let me know.
What I WON'T do is pay international orders by money transfer, because it's simply too expensive - AU$22!

Me the seller:

I'm not a 'shop', I only have up for sale kits that I've bought extra of, or that I'd be willing to part with for the specified amount. Mostly they are kits I haven't built myself so they are still new, and when I break those seals to built it myself, it comes off the store 'shelf'.

Me & Lego

I have a number of hobbies (probably too many), one of which is to do with these pesky little plastic bricks that people put together to make models of things.

I've been in the dark ages for some time (though I only really slipped into them in my late teens), yet have emerged once in my extremely late twenties to rise again to the power of the brick.

It started with a couple of cute little star wars mini kits, and then of course I had to have the whole set of 4 to make that 5th model, and then I wanted the minifig sized version, and then the UCS one, and.... no.... I don't have a problem.... really.... I can stop anytime....

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