Store Shipping Preference

Sellers have the option to select what countries they want to ship to in their Store Settings. Sellers may choose to ship to all countries worldwide, or only to selected countries. If a seller does not ship to the buyer's country, then the buyer cannot submit an order in that store.

Sellers who do not ship to a buyer's country are excluded by default from display in the buyer's wanted list. A buyer will not, by default, receive wanted list notifications from a store which does not ship to their country. Buyers can override this option on the Wanted List Settings page.

Sellers can enter a shipping preference bypass password on their Store Settings page. If entered, sellers can allow specific buyers to buy from their store even if they do not ship to the buyer's country. The buyer enters the password on the checkout screen before submitting an order.

A buyer’s country is based on the shipping address on file. An icon will appear by the store name in several areas of the site showing you whether the seller ships to your country:

- Seller ships to my country.

- Seller does not ship to my country.