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Your competitors are a good source of information for your slide deck. You can learn about their products, pricing models, and customer acquisition strategies. They may have the same goal as you (e.g., to disrupt an industry or to create a new product), but they may approach it differently because they have different resources and constraints than you do. Use the information from your competitors' slide decks to understand how they define success—their metrics will likely be different from yours, so don't compare yourself against them in this regard! After all, if one company defines success as "100% penetration into the market" while another defines it as "10% more sales than last quarter," then who's right? Both are competition slide pitch deck valid definitions of success in their own minds; it depends entirely on what matters most to each company's long-term goals (and maybe even its investors). You also need to understand whether your target audience cares about these companies at all—if not, there's no point in highlighting them at all.A key aspect of competition slide creation is highlighting what makes your company unique. This can be as simple as listing the unique features and/or value proposition of your product, or it could entail discussing how you serve a unique customer segment.Our final words of advice for creating a truly unique competition slide are to do your homework and make sure you have the facts straight. We’ve seen plenty of slides from startups that seem confident in their valuation, but when you look at the numbers behind them, there’s just no way they could be correct. Likewise, if all you have to say about your competitors is that they don’t do things as well as you do, then maybe it would be better if we didn’t know about them at all
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