About Me Pages: About narayannis (50)

Hallo everyone!

My name is John, and I'm from Athens, Greece.
I recently re-discovered my passion for LEGOs, especially for Knights, Pirates (Imperial soldiers, to be exact) and Star Wars. My three working projects is creating armies for the 100 Years War, the Crusades, and the Napoleonic Wars. The first two are easy, but the third needs work! (and money!!!)
I'm happily married for 4 years, I work in a Greek gaming company as a Publications Manager (it's only logical!), and apart from LEGOs I love boardgames, (some) miniatures games, electronic music and spaghetti :)
A note about my transactions: I'm a member of eBay for over 10 years, with a feedback of over 700 (with no negatives). That (I hope) shows that I'm reliable...
Oh, and I only use PayPal!
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