About Me Pages: About Ritterknight (81)
I was a typical child growing up in the eighties and I fondly remember my love of Lego all started on receiving a small white space vehicle. My Grandmother had sent it for my fourth birthday, unfortunately I only ever met her once when I was 14 years old, but she always managed to post a little something. I remember the set well and continued to play with Lego until life got in the way. In 2010 due to some unfortunate circumstances I became very ill. I rediscovered my Lego collection, it was the only thing I could do without straining my eyes or making me sick due to the invasive chemotherapy. Lego on the other hand would keep my mind occupied and would not result in discomfort and sickness it truly kept me sane and sufficiently distracted. During my treatment I had managed to find and complete most of my childhood kits, adding to the collection in the process. I now enjoy looking for used and incomplete kits with my children and reinstating them, its the least I can do and we all really enjoy playing with the results. We have found some real bargains and built quite a reserve collection which comes in handy when we all just want to play and build off plan together.
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