About Me Pages: About Majatek (11)
I'm a gamedev, artist, music and technology aficionado/lover/fan. I also dabble in various other hobbies including LEGO, modelling, photography and generally anything arts related. I've appeared in a few plays, cooked in competitions, but I'm generally more reserved these days as I focus on new and fantastic ways to acquire headaches over programming languages and learning how to speak Deutsche/English/Polski/etc. When it comes to LEGO, there's nothing more that I love than to best make replicas in a smaller scale. This of course is a test unto itself as the medium is extremely granular to the point of Minecraft-level "blockyness". I'm also a huge fan of LEGO Worlds, Team Fortress 2 and Next Car Game: Wreckfest. My favourite movies include Alien, Starship Troopers, Secret of N.I.M.H, The Rescuers 2: Down Under and Treasure Planet. Actually, I love a lot more movies, but there's too many to name. My favourite music genres include Nu-Disco, Synthpop, SID-Metal, Electro Swing and generally anything that has a nice melody (power metal, even!). I was born abroad from Poland, and I now live in Australia.
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