About Me Pages: About Evan_Akins (5)
I guess the best way to describe myself is by saying I'm a 36 year old Lego fan, now dad to a 5 & 1 year old. Who is rebuilding all of his old Lego sets to future gift them to the kids. This started out as a way to pass time when my son was a new born, between naps, weekends, that sort of thing. Now it has turned into a full blown addiction. Being a Canadian, winters are usually long and cold, which gives a kid now adult a whole lot of time to play Lego. Most of my Saturday mornings as a kid were playing Lego and listening to the weekly top 40. My Lego motto is be curious, have fun and explore. If you see something that looks cool, there is always a way to re-create it with Lego. Hopefully my son & daughter will share a similar love, with what I think is the worlds best toy. Evan,
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