In Inv

Appears In:


What sets does this part appear in? This section is all about this information.

View Item Appearance:

Item Type: 
Item No 1: -
In Color:
Item No 2: -
In Color:
Item No 3: -
In Color:
Is In:
Items Without Appearance:

14223 Sets (72.8%)
4008 Parts (4.8%)
322 Minifigures (2.0%)
5588 Books (81.4%)
16261 Gear (84.1%)

Items with Items In Inv:
- Alternate
- Extra
- Counterparts

Information on which parts appear in which sets is gathered from items inventoried. It is therefore possible that a part might not show as appearing in all sets which it appears in if all the sets that the part appears in have not yet been inventoried.