Catalog: Catalogs: 1982: c82eupg: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 May 30, 2012
Catalog c82eupg 1982 for Parents (Parents Guide) (114782/114882 - EU II (D/A/CH/F/I)): therobo (9680)
    Updated DirectlyMerged from Catalog c82eupg2
 Apr 2, 2012
Catalog c82eupg 1982 for Parents (Parents Guide) (114782/114882 - EU II (D/A/CH/F/I)): dgripley (391)
    CompletedChanged Year Released from {1986} to {1982}
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {1986 for Parents (Parents Guide) (114782/114882)}
    CompletedChanged Item No from {c86eupg} to {c82eupg}