Catalog: Parts: Arm: 795: Known Colors: White Color
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White Arm Piece with Disk and 2 Fingers

Part No: 795  Name: Arm Piece with Disk and 2 Fingers

This Part appears in at least the following items:

[ List | List with Images | Thumbnail Gallery | Summary ]

 Item No  Description   Year 
Appears As Regular:
 2 in 250-3 (Inv)Aeroplane and Pilot
89 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleAirport
1974Set No: 250  Name: Aeroplane and Pilot
 2 in 195-1 (Inv)Airplane
89 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleAirport
1975Set No: 195  Name: Airplane
 2 in 213-1 (Inv)Airplane Ride
40 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleAirport
1977Set No: 213  Name: Airplane Ride
 2 in 232-1 (Inv)Bungalow
448 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1978Set No: 232  Name: Bungalow
 2 in 266-1 (Inv)Child's Bedroom
146 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1974Set No: 266  Name: Child's Bedroom
 2 in 210-1 (Inv)Cowboys
39 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleWesternCowboys
1976Set No: 210  Name: Cowboys
 2 in 198-1 (Inv)Cowboys
39 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleWesternCowboys
1977Set No: 198  Name: Cowboys
 2 in 276-1 (Inv)Doctor's Office
90 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1977Set No: 276  Name: Doctor's Office
 2 in 200-1 (Inv)Family
78 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleRecreation
1974Set No: 200  Name: Family
 2 in 194-1 (Inv)Family
90 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleRecreation
1976Set No: 194  Name: Family
 2 in 254-1 (Inv)Family
88 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleRecreation
1975Set No: 254  Name: Family
 2 in 268-1 (Inv)Family Room
236 Parts, 2 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1979Set No: 268  Name: Family Room
 2 in 190-1 (Inv)Farm Set
526 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleFarm
1975Set No: 190  Name: Farm Set
 2 in 330-2 (Inv)Gas Station
211 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleGas Station
1978Set No: 330  Name: Gas Station
 2 in 230-1 (Inv)Hairdressing Salon
215 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1978Set No: 230  Name: Hairdressing Salon
 2 in 253-2 (Inv)Helicopter and Pilot
49 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleAirport
1975Set No: 253  Name: Helicopter and Pilot
 6 in 231-1 (Inv)Hospital
380 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemakerHospital
1978Set No: 231  Name: Hospital
 2 in 269-1 (Inv)Kitchen
201 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1979Set No: 269  Name: Kitchen
 2 in 263-1 (Inv)Kitchen Set
172 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1974Set No: 263  Name: Kitchen Set
 2 in 296-1 (Inv)Ladies' Hairdressers
160 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1977Set No: 296  Name: Ladies' Hairdressers
 2 in 264-1 (Inv)Living Room Set
242 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1974Set No: 264  Name: Living Room Set
 6 in 565-1 (Inv)Moon Landing
364 Parts
Catalog: SetsLEGOLANDSpace
1976Set No: 565  Name: Moon Landing
 6 in 367-1 (Inv)Moon Landing
364 Parts
Catalog: SetsLEGOLANDSpace
1975Set No: 367  Name: Moon Landing
 2 in 297-1 (Inv)Nursery
160 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1978Set No: 297  Name: Nursery
 2 in 215-1 (Inv)Red Indians
81 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleWesternIndians
1977Set No: 215  Name: Red Indians
 2 in 5235-2 (Inv)Schoolroom
231 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1982Set No: 5235  Name: Schoolroom
 2 in 199-1 (Inv)Scooter
37 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleTraffic
1977Set No: 199  Name: Scooter
 2 in 212-2 (Inv)Scooter
37 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleTraffic
1976Set No: 212  Name: Scooter
 2 in 217-1 (Inv)Service Station
210 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleGas Station
1977Set No: 217  Name: Service Station
 2 in 6750-1 (Inv)Sonic Robot
96 Parts, 2 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsSpaceClassic Space
1986Set No: 6750  Name: Sonic Robot
 8 in 1075-1 (Inv)Supplementary Set People/figures
256 Parts
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaBuilding Set with People
1976Set No: 1075  Name: Supplementary Set People/figures
 2 in 40-1 (Inv)Universal Building Set
289 Parts
Catalog: SetsUniversal Building SetBasic Set
1976Set No: 40  Name: Universal Building Set
 2 in 50-1 (Inv)Universal Building Set
382 Parts
Catalog: SetsUniversal Building SetBasic Set
1976Set No: 50  Name: Universal Building Set
 2 in 111-1 (Inv)Universal Building Set
162 Parts
Catalog: SetsUniversal Building SetBasic Set
1977Set No: 111  Name: Universal Building Set
 2 in 113-1 (Inv)Universal Building Set
289 Parts
Catalog: SetsUniversal Building SetBasic Set
1977Set No: 113  Name: Universal Building Set
 2 in 114-1 (Inv)Universal Building Set
382 Parts
Catalog: SetsUniversal Building SetBasic Set
1977Set No: 114  Name: Universal Building Set
 2 in 20-1 (Inv)Universal Building Set
213 Parts
Catalog: SetsUniversal Building SetBasic Set
1976Set No: 20  Name: Universal Building Set
 2 in 205-2 (Inv)Universal Figure Set
114 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleRecreation
1978Set No: 205  Name: Universal Figure Set
 2 in 258-1 (Inv)Zoo with Baseboard
467 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleZoo
1976Set No: 258  Name: Zoo with Baseboard
Appears As Counterpart:
 2 in 250-3 (Inv)Aeroplane and Pilot
89 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleAirport
1974Set No: 250  Name: Aeroplane and Pilot
 2 in 195-1 (Inv)Airplane
89 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleAirport
1975Set No: 195  Name: Airplane
 2 in 213-1 (Inv)Airplane Ride
40 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleAirport
1977Set No: 213  Name: Airplane Ride
 2 in 232-1 (Inv)Bungalow
448 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1978Set No: 232  Name: Bungalow
 2 in 266-1 (Inv)Child's Bedroom
146 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1974Set No: 266  Name: Child's Bedroom
 2 in 210-1 (Inv)Cowboys
39 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleWesternCowboys
1976Set No: 210  Name: Cowboys
 2 in 198-1 (Inv)Cowboys
39 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleWesternCowboys
1977Set No: 198  Name: Cowboys
 2 in 276-1 (Inv)Doctor's Office
90 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1977Set No: 276  Name: Doctor's Office
 2 in 194-1 (Inv)Family
90 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleRecreation
1976Set No: 194  Name: Family
 2 in 254-1 (Inv)Family
88 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleRecreation
1975Set No: 254  Name: Family
 2 in 200-1 (Inv)Family
78 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleRecreation
1974Set No: 200  Name: Family
 2 in 268-1 (Inv)Family Room
236 Parts, 2 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1979Set No: 268  Name: Family Room
 2 in 190-1 (Inv)Farm Set
526 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleFarm
1975Set No: 190  Name: Farm Set
 2 in 330-2 (Inv)Gas Station
211 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleGas Station
1978Set No: 330  Name: Gas Station
 2 in 230-1 (Inv)Hairdressing Salon
215 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1978Set No: 230  Name: Hairdressing Salon
 2 in 253-2 (Inv)Helicopter and Pilot
49 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleAirport
1975Set No: 253  Name: Helicopter and Pilot
 6 in 231-1 (Inv)Hospital
380 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemakerHospital
1978Set No: 231  Name: Hospital
 2 in 269-1 (Inv)Kitchen
201 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1979Set No: 269  Name: Kitchen
 2 in 263-1 (Inv)Kitchen Set
172 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1974Set No: 263  Name: Kitchen Set
 2 in 296-1 (Inv)Ladies' Hairdressers
160 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1977Set No: 296  Name: Ladies' Hairdressers
 2 in 264-1 (Inv)Living Room Set
242 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1974Set No: 264  Name: Living Room Set
 2 in 297-1 (Inv)Nursery
160 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1978Set No: 297  Name: Nursery
 2 in 215-1 (Inv)Red Indians
81 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleWesternIndians
1977Set No: 215  Name: Red Indians
 2 in 5235-2 (Inv)Schoolroom
231 Parts
Catalog: SetsHomemaker
1982Set No: 5235  Name: Schoolroom
 2 in 199-1 (Inv)Scooter
37 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleTraffic
1977Set No: 199  Name: Scooter
 2 in 212-2 (Inv)Scooter
37 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleTraffic
1976Set No: 212  Name: Scooter
 2 in 217-1 (Inv)Service Station
210 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleGas Station
1977Set No: 217  Name: Service Station
 8 in 1075-1 (Inv)Supplementary Set People/figures
256 Parts
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaBuilding Set with People
1976Set No: 1075  Name: Supplementary Set People/figures
 2 in 111-1 (Inv)Universal Building Set
162 Parts
Catalog: SetsUniversal Building SetBasic Set
1977Set No: 111  Name: Universal Building Set
 2 in 114-1 (Inv)Universal Building Set
382 Parts
Catalog: SetsUniversal Building SetBasic Set
1977Set No: 114  Name: Universal Building Set
 2 in 205-2 (Inv)Universal Figure Set
114 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleRecreation
1978Set No: 205  Name: Universal Figure Set
 2 in 258-1 (Inv)Zoo with Baseboard
467 Parts
Catalog: SetsBuilding Set with PeopleZoo
1976Set No: 258  Name: Zoo with Baseboard


 Color  In   Total Qty 
Appears As Regular:
 White 39  96 
Appears As Counterpart:
 White 32  74 

Please consider uploading an image in the specific color if you have one and the one in the above listing is not available.