Catalog: Parts: Wheel, Tire & Tread: 51011u: Known Colors
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Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads (Undetermined Type)

Part No: 51011u  Name: Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads (Undetermined Type)

This Part appears in at least the following items:

[ List | List with Images | Thumbnail Gallery | Summary ]

 Item No  Description   Year 
Appears As Regular:
 2 in 30036-1 (Inv)Buggy Racer polybag
28 Parts
Catalog: SetsRacersTiny Turbos
2011Set No: 30036  Name: Buggy Racer polybag
 2 in 42040-1 (Inv)Fire Plane
578 Parts
Catalog: SetsTechnicModelAirport
2015Set No: 42040  Name: Fire Plane
 1 in 41032-1 (Inv)First Aid Jungle Bike
152 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsFriends
2014Set No: 41032  Name: First Aid Jungle Bike
 1 in 8899-1 (Inv)Gator Swamp
332 Parts, 5 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsWorld Racers
2010Set No: 8899  Name: Gator Swamp
 6 in 9396-1 (Inv)Helicopter
1056 Parts
Catalog: SetsTechnicModelAirport
2012Set No: 9396  Name: Helicopter
 3 in 9394-1 (Inv)Jet Plane
499 Parts
Catalog: SetsTechnicModelAirport
2012Set No: 9394  Name: Jet Plane
 2 in 3181-1 (Inv)Passenger Plane
297 Parts, 3 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownCityAirport
2010Set No: 3181  Name: Passenger Plane
 2 in 3181-2 (Inv)Passenger Plane - ANA Version
298 Parts, 3 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownCityAirport
2010Set No: 3181  Name: Passenger Plane -  ANA Version
 6 in 60048-1 (Inv)Police Dog Unit
237 Parts, 3 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownCityPolice
2014Set No: 60048  Name: Police Dog Unit
 4 in 3658-1 (Inv)Police Helicopter
220 Parts, 4 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownCityPolice
2011Set No: 3658  Name: Police Helicopter
 3 in 8068-1 (Inv)Rescue Helicopter
408 Parts
Catalog: SetsTechnicModelAirport
2011Set No: 8068  Name: Rescue Helicopter
 4 in 8199-1 (Inv)Security Smash
137 Parts
Catalog: SetsRacersTiny Turbos
2010Set No: 8199  Name: Security Smash
 1 in 8896-1 (Inv)Snake Canyon
47 Parts, 2 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsWorld Racers
2010Set No: 8896  Name: Snake Canyon
 4 in 8195-1 (Inv)Turbo Tow
43 Parts
Catalog: SetsRacersTiny Turbos
2010Set No: 8195  Name: Turbo Tow
 2 in 70170-1 (Inv)UltraCopter vs. AntiMatter
596 Parts, 4 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsUltra Agents
2015Set No: 70170  Name: UltraCopter vs. AntiMatter
 2 in 31023-1 (Inv)Yellow Racers
328 Parts
Catalog: SetsCreatorModelAirport
2014Set No: 31023  Name: Yellow Racers
 4 in b12cty10es (Inv)City - Brickmaster (Hardcover) (Spanish Edition)
Catalog: BooksIdea BookTownCityPolice
2012Book No: b12cty10es  Name: City - Brickmaster (Hardcover) (Spanish Edition)
 2 in b13njo02es (Inv)NINJAGO - Brickmaster: Enfréntate al Poder de las Serpientes (Hardcover) (Spanish Edition)
Catalog: BooksIdea BookNINJAGORise of the Snakes
2013Book No: b13njo02es  Name: NINJAGO - Brickmaster: Enfréntate al Poder de las Serpientes (Hardcover) (Spanish Edition)
 2 in b13njo02pl (Inv)NINJAGO - Brickmaster: Pokonaj złowrogie węże! (Hardcover) (Polish Edition)
Catalog: BooksIdea BookNINJAGORise of the Snakes
2013Book No: b13njo02pl  Name: NINJAGO - Brickmaster: Pokonaj złowrogie węże! (Hardcover) (Polish Edition)
 2 in b14njo02de (Inv)NINJAGO - Buch & Steine-Set: Die Welt der Schlangen (Hardcover) (German Edition)
Catalog: BooksIdea BookNINJAGORise of the Snakes
2014Book No: b14njo02de  Name: NINJAGO - Buch & Steine-Set: Die Welt der Schlangen (Hardcover) (German Edition)


 Color  In   Total Qty 
Appears As Regular:
 Black 20  55 

Please consider uploading an image in the specific color if you have one and the one in the above listing is not available.