Feedback Forum: Profile of Tmoney6996 (129)
ID Card

Tmoney6996 (129)

Location:  USA, West Virginia
Member Since Contact Type Status
Apr 8, 2022 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 14 129 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 14 129 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  sickmonkey (76)  Nov 15, 2024  26726511  Buyer 
 Thanks for the order.
 Praise  kevinz23 (2459)  Sep 12, 2024  26191527  Buyer 
 Thank you for the smooth and seamless purchase!
 Praise  mtran (2061)  Sep 3, 2024  26061039  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thank you!
 Praise  JediN8N8 (1652)  Aug 7, 2024  25638597  Buyer 
 Thank you! Great buyer!
 Praise  bjnissen (757)  Jul 30, 2024  25638583  Buyer 
 Thanks for the order
 Praise  Slayder (114)  Jul 16, 2024  25720657  Buyer 
 Great customer! Thanks for shopping at Happy Shark Island!
 Praise  legomaster100 (201)  Jul 6, 2024  25638602  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at The Brick Llama !!
 Praise  brickshogun01 (513)  Jul 3, 2024  25343315  Buyer 
 Great customer! I appreciate your quick and smooth order and payment.
 Praise  jpeak (81)  Jun 4, 2024  25343320  Buyer 
 Great buyer - quick transaction. Thank you!
 Praise  legolawman (3218)  Mar 26, 2024  24804432  Buyer 
 Nice size order and instant payment. Thanks for choosing Bryan's Bricks

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