Feedback Forum: Profile of Pyro716 (131)
ID Card

Pyro716 (131)

Location:  USA, New York
Member Since Contact Type Status
Nov 30, 2022 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 24 131 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 4 9 24 131 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  lreyesjose (197)  Feb 17, 2025  27575468  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping Lynwood Bricks
 Praise  13thWarrior (6588)  Feb 14, 2025  27575460  Buyer 
 WoW!!! Lightning fast payment. Thank you very much for the order.👍
 Praise  SirIceCream1001 (249)  Feb 11, 2025  27525913  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping at SirIceCreamMansBrixNFigs🍦🍨
 Praise  ExplodingFruit (1795)  Feb 10, 2025  27525917  Buyer 
 Great Buyer. Follow us on Instagram-- Lego_explodingbrickguy
 Praise  ajsthisandthat (1154)  Feb 4, 2025  26810330  Buyer 
 Thank you from AJs This and That
 Praise  Steveb6387 (248)  Jan 29, 2025  27339219  Buyer 
 Thanks for the order! Hope you come back soon
 Praise  MJsBrickStore (10536)  Jan 26, 2025  26810346  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thank you for shopping at MJs Brick Store.
 Praise  mikebrizzee (3890)  Jan 21, 2025  27278432  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Thank you for shopping Brizzee Bricks. Enjoy your build!
 Praise  SnarkBricks (10335)  Jan 20, 2025  26810343  Buyer 
 ★:*¨*Awesome Buyer! Superb Transaction. Thanks for Buying @ Snark Bricks!*¨*:★
 Praise  MagicCityBrix (1032)  Jan 10, 2025  27171521  Buyer 
 Thanks for ordering from Magic City Brix- Come Back Soon ~ Great Buyer, 10/10

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