Discussion Forum: Catalog Requests: with Status of Completed: Messages by Leftoverbricks (2224)(Post New Message)
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View Thread plse flag gear 854011 for having instructions - Leftoverbricks (2224)
(Gear 854011)Set has instructions but I can't add them because the set is not flagged for having them.
(22 months ago, Jun 18, 2022, to Catalog Requests)
View Thread please add alternate item number for 4502a - Leftoverbricks (2224)
(Part 4502a) This part number is not known in the ldraw library used in MLCad et cetera. Ldraw uses part number 87693 and that number is also known in Stud.io as an alternative [...]
(27 months ago, Jan 19, 2022, to Catalog Requests)
View Thread please add co-brand - Leftoverbricks (2224)
Please add co-brand "Billy Bones" to the catalog. Billy Bones is the publisher of Dutch LEGO magazines.
(30 months ago, Nov 7, 2021, to Catalog Requests)