Discussion Forum: Messages by cosmicray (3488)
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 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Apr 12, 2024 07:25
 Subject: US Tax Exemptions
 Viewed: 145 times
 Topic: Taxes
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Yesterday I received two messages from one of the BL CE accounts, informing me
that US sellers are now able to submit their reseller certificate, in order to
be allowed tax exempt purchases.

I'm seeing no announcement about this in the Community. Is this official
? Personally, I do not see myself making use of it going forward, as I don't
wish to acquire additional inventory.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Apr 8, 2024 07:13
 Subject: Re: Order Item Removal Requests Too Complicated!
 Viewed: 23 times
 Topic: Problem
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In Problem, infinibrix writes:
  My customers always seem to have trouble following the process of approving an
item removal request therefore can these steps not be simplified?

Two thoughts ...

Dan designed the IRR to be fair to both parties, and to protect BL from IRR being
used to evade fees. That was 20+ years ago. Back then, sellers and buyers had
(roughly) the same level of expertise with BL. Times have changed, and that is
no longer the case. Most sellers today have much more expertise than the average
buyer. The way of doing an IRR needs to be revised

Part of the entire flow, has to do with payments. Back when IRR was designed
into the system, IC did not exist. Maybe 5 or 6 years back, I asked that BL allow
us to do 2-step payments (authorize then capture). That has not happened. With
a proper 2-step system, the buyer could be given X hours to revise the order,
then the capture would automatically be done (and revisions would be sealed).
That would greatly simplify the flow (and bring it in line with how many other
e-commerce sites operate). We can only dream.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Mar 27, 2024 11:36
 Subject: Re: How should I react to NPB?
 Viewed: 31 times
 Topic: Help
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In Help, salbuchim writes:
  I am a buyer and
I made an order on March 7th
the price of total item total was around 120 euros
this seller didnt answer me for a week

then charged me 90 euros for the shipping

What was it you ordered, parts, sets, or a combination ?

If it was sets only, and in original boxes, the shipping might well have been
high. Cost of order does not have a direct relationship to cost of shipping,
especially when it involves international shipping.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Mar 25, 2024 20:54
 Subject: Re: Another scam
 Viewed: 112 times
 Topic: Announce
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In Announce, jandbbricks writes:
  Just received an email from blservice@briicklinks.com (notice the two ii in the
name) telling me someone has signed into my account. There are links for contacting
support and/or logging out of all devices. Both require you to enter your password.

The IP address in that bogus email belongs to ...

inetnum: -
organisation: Defense Information Systems Agency
status: LEGACY

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Mar 21, 2024 18:31
 Subject: Re: How many mistakes in an order are OK?
 Viewed: 46 times
 Topic: Buying
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In Buying, BrickBonder writes:
  -If you receive an order containing a printout with a hand-written check mark
next to each lot, consider favoriting that seller. Those sellers are rare and
almost never make mistakes.

Oddly, that is how I do my orders. Each line item is checked, using a basic no-name
Chinese fountain pen. Ink I'm using is Noodler's Lexington Gray.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Mar 21, 2024 16:55
 Subject: Re: WARNING! Login from new device phishing emai
 Viewed: 79 times
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In Problem, chetzler writes:
  BE DILIGENT! I’m a pretty suspicious person when it comes to online activity,
but, in my groggy state when I woke up this morning, I almost fell for a phishing
scheme presented as a very authentic looking email.

There are a couple of takeaways from that ... first, steer away from the need
to reply IMMEDIATELY to anything you see prior to your first cup of java, tea,
or whatever. Second, do not trust any link that comes in an email, unless a site
is sending you a validation link, has told you it was just sent, and you just
received it. Everything else, including smishing attempts within SMS texts should
be considered suspect dangerous, and unreliable.

The whole paradigm of social engineering attacks is to make you react without
thinking it all the way thru. Take the slow paranoid path, log into the site
using a known good bookmark, and ignore any links that come via dangerous paths
(no matter how real they appear).

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Mar 21, 2024 16:45
 Subject: Re: WARNING! Login from new device phishing emai
 Viewed: 58 times
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In Problem, randyf writes:
  And judging from the people who are receiving phishing emails (e.g I'm not),
the phisher is probably part of an online BrickLink group somewhere else (Facebook?
Discord?) that all of you are also part of or maybe they ordered from all of
the phishees in the past and already have all of your contact information to

I have not received these phishing emails. That said, I am not a member of any
online BL groups, other than reddit, where I visit infrequently. So there may
be something to this theory.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Mar 21, 2024 07:23
 Subject: Something to keep in mind about picture reqs
 Viewed: 136 times
 Topic: General
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If you are using a modern smartphone to satisfy picture requests, it is very
likely that the pictures contain location data as to precisely where you were
located when you took the picture. Unless you turn that off, or strip the EXIF
data, you are telling the recipient where you store your inventory.

Something to keep in mind.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Mar 8, 2024 15:02
 Subject: change 45535
 Viewed: 89 times
 Topic: Catalog Requests
 For:Catalog Associate
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Please add a note to part ID 45535 that some were sent out from the factory in
an alternate format: Without the outer circle, but including the three masks
and the center sprue, all loose packed in a clear bag.

In one sense, the image on the item makes a presumption that all new parts will
include the outer circle with the masks attached to it. That is not the case.
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Jan 24, 2024 16:23
 Subject: Re: Important proposal regarding catalog variants
 Viewed: 53 times
 Topic: Catalog
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In Catalog, Admin_Russell writes:
  Hello everyone,

As a platform, we have decided to take a hard look at some of the mold variants
that we are currently asking you to recognize. For sellers, more variants means
extra sorting and extra work while pulling orders, plus the issues that arise
from variant misunderstandings.

For buyers, excess variants mean that it's harder to assemble a wanted list,
find stores, and ultimately obtain the parts you are looking for.

I have put together a quick Help page to outline these proposed changes:


Notice the date on this is coming up quickly (Feb 1), so I'm not giving a
lot of time for discussion. I'm aiming for about 1 week of discussion and
then we'll give sellers 2 weeks to adjust the descriptions on affected items
if they wish to retain the distinctions.

I plan to construct a full FAQ page with answers to all your questions. This
will serve to inform users about what was done here in February 2024, and also
help point the catalog in the right direction in the future.

To get started, I'll list a few here:

1. This sounds like you're dumbing down the BrickLink catalog to make
it easier for new users. Is that what is going on?

Not really. There are many, many other variants we expect people to sort and
care about. These ones don't really seem to matter much, and some of them
(e.g., the minifigure heads) actually cause problems for the catalog that cannot
be corrected otherwise.

2. What if I really care about a certain variant that is going away? Can I
still buy and sell that variant?

Absolutely! You can add notes to your listings to make them as "determined"
as you wish. Buyers can still search within notes for extra details, or they
can simply observe them as they browse listings.

3. How do I know which exact variants will be merged? I only see one example
in each category.

Please ask in this thread and I can be very specific. Usually we are talking
about a handful of parts and the printed versions.

4. Has a merge like this ever been done before?

Yes, there was a precedent - the Headlight Brick with Slot:


It was marked for deletion a few years ago and was finally merged last August.

5. Are these the only parts up for consideration, or are there other variants
that will be merged as well?

This is all for now. Based on how well this goes, we may elect to remove other
entries later. However, we will keep all functional variants and important cosmetic

I was unaware this was about to happen (because I was away for a month).

My first reaction, is that this is being done to simplify the number of catalog
entries (by not making one for each variant), which in some ways is a good thing.
My second reaction, is that this is a way to not touch the catalog schema, and
to keep the catalog effectively flat. That keeps the underlying code from having
to undergo large scale renovation, but it also opens the door to a variant description
structure that is ad-hoc, and may end up being inconsistent (across multiple
sellers). How one seller describes a variant may not be how another describes
the same variant (and potentially language differences get into this). This is
a Hobson's Choice of a problem. This is no clear solution that will
keep everyone on the straight and narrow. I'm not sure if I will take the
time to distinguish the variants (as in some situations I have already made the
decision to not be a variant specific seller). Part of this goes back to the
price that common parts are fetching vs the time required to meet the standard.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Jan 20, 2024 11:20
 Subject: I'm doing a SMH
 Viewed: 273 times
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I am looking at the ID card of a member. The member has been on site slightly
more than 3 years. Thus far, they have racked up 189 negatives and 152 neutrals.
Their selling privileges are still green/intact. There is some evidence (based
on contra-feedback from another member) that they may have been suspended at
some point. Did they not solve the reasons that triggered all those negatives,
or only the ones that got them suspended ?

Obviously the information is there for a buyer to see, but how many check FB
and how many just hit Easy Buy ?

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Jan 16, 2024 07:01
 Subject: Re: Drop shippers how does it really work?
 Viewed: 53 times
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In General, eracine writes:
  Just trying to figure out how people drop ship for parts and figs. I have as
I am sure a lot of us had the orders where there are notes saying please don't
leave a packing slip ect. We have processed over 100 of these orders between
both platforms.

Someone is listing items on another venue (Amazon, eBay, etc). They list them
there, and pretend they hold inventory (when they do not). When a sale arrives,
then they want you to do the shipment (from your inventory).

Keep in mind, they are selling elsewhere, at a much higher price, and have virtually
zero overhead (because they have nothing invested in inventory, you do).

Telling you to not include paperwork is to protect them from site rules where
they are listing/selling. Once upon a time, if paperwork showed a lower price,
Amazon (under the A-Z rules) would force the sales price to match the paperwork.
The other reason is that they do not want the buyer to know that you (or BrickLink)
even exist. They are likely violating the site rules elsewhere, requiring them
to either hold inventory, or to have a formal agreement with you to do drop shipping.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Dec 10, 2023 07:30
 Subject: Emergency Brake
 Viewed: 176 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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This is a suggestion to give sellers a mechanism to do a hard shutdown of their
store, at any time day or night, week or weekend, if they have lost control for
unexpected reasons.

The emergency break would be a one time, BL generated sequence, that is very
long and random (similar to a MD5 hash). Once generated and verified, the seller
would store it offline in case ever needed if an emergency should arise.

Usage of the emergency brake feature would not require the seller to have password
access, because the password access could have been compromised. The length of
the emergency token would allow BL to relate to a specific store without any
chance of ambiguity.

Once the emergency brake has been pulled, the seller's store is locked, password
is no longer active, and seller must converse / authenticate with the help desk
to begin the process of resetting the password and remediating the cause. It
is a mechanism to prevent further damage (to the store, to unsuspecting buyers,
and to BL's reputation).

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Dec 10, 2023 07:18
 Subject: Re: First time!
 Viewed: 46 times
 Topic: General
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In General, BrickOutLoud writes:
  We have been selling lego for many years now but we have never kept a set until
now. We built it this week. Lots of foo fighters playing in the background,
probably more beer than was required (lol), and a cat helper that just does the
opposite of helping lol. Just want to say Happy Holidays to all of our lego
brothers and sisters. We are looking forward to next year and we hope you are

For many years I kept this set assembled and on display in the living room ...

Set No: 6263  Name: Imperial Outpost
6263-1 (Inv) Imperial Outpost
195 Parts, 4 Minifigures, 1995
Sets: Pirates: Pirates I: Imperial Guards

One day I came to the conclusion it was a dust magnet, so it was disassembled
and placed back in the box.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Dec 10, 2023 07:14
 Subject: Re: 3% handling charge
 Viewed: 45 times
 Topic: Buying
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In Buying, Erikmax writes:
  I ordered two 200 euro sets. To my surprise there was besides the postage costs
a 12,17 handling fee on the invoice what i did not expect. Yes it was mentioned
in the terms -3% handling fee- but I did not notice it, I am a very frequent
buyer but never have seen such a practice before.

I regard it fair when someone adds external costs such as paypal charges and
packing costs. But this is simply a raise of the price. In my view orderpicking
costs simply should be included in the product price. And charging over 12 Euro
(the handling was also calculated over the postagen costs) for 'picking'
two sets looks as bit adsurd to me.

Maybe I am wrong...the same set was offered from two anothe Dutch dealers for
200 euro
as well. But a surcharge of 3% on the price makes the pricelist less transparant
as well.

You are correct. It is one of the shortcomings of BL that the proposed totals
do not reflect charges buried in the seller's terms/policies.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Dec 9, 2023 13:56
 Subject: Re: Requirments for new sellers
 Viewed: 49 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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In Suggestions, yorbrick writes:
  In Suggestions, TallyToyBricks writes:
  I voted yes, not because this is the best solution, but there needs to be some
solution. If buyers don't trust the marketplace, eventually sales decline.

BrickLink needs a high enough bar to limit scammers, but low enough to allow
legitimate new sellers. The current bar is way too low.

Maybe, a staggered sales limit for new stores (Ebay model); month 1 limit sales
to $250, then month 2 to $350, etc. BrickLink has the data to optimize the sales

If you can delay the amount of time scammers need to wait for their payday, you
limit the number of scammers. Additionally, any that are using fraudulent Bank
Accounts/PayPal/Credit Cards will probably be discovered within 3 months. Basically,
let the Trust and Security Departments of large financial institutions weed out
the bad actors.

I agree something must be done, but an issue with this is that a scammer sets
up multiple accounts and let's them sit for a few months.

You are absolutely correct. This (and thank you) opens up the topic of small/medium/large
sellers. Most of the problems seen here are not from small sellers selling cheap
parts, it's always someone trying to make the maximum money as fast as possible,
before the game is up. The current problem (L and N) may well involve many thousands
of dollars.

Where we end up is, a small seller needs very little vetting and identity checking.
A large seller, or anyone stacking their store up with lots of high ticket desirable
sets, needs a laser focused identity check and proof of inventory. Any seller
account moving up the ladder, regardless of the day they apply, or several months
down the road, should cause that check to be done. This is as more about allowing
the limited resources on the admin team to be applied to where the problems occur.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Dec 9, 2023 11:53
 Subject: Re: L and N Bricks.
 Viewed: 70 times
 Topic: Problem
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In Problem, peregrinator writes:
  In Problem, pitz8008 writes:
  However, this member "bennettforbrick" also now has
selling privileges. How can someone who just became a member on December 6th
already have selling privileges? And shouldn't this account be looked at
very closely, and at a very minimum suspended pending further documents, since
it is 100% obvious that it is associated with L and N Bricks?

Of course the account should be looked at closely, but just because that square
is green doesn't mean you can open the store. There's a hidden flag that
has to be turned on as well.

One of the people who got taken by L and N had posted to reddit, maybe 3-4 days
back. That buyer mentioned their order had been a big Star Wars set for $500.
If that was typical of each of those negatives, then I'll let you do the

Any other new seller's seeded from this seller breach, need to be made to
wait until 30 days have passed before listing/selling high ticket items. The
timing of this is classic holiday scamming.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Dec 9, 2023 11:48
 Subject: Re: Requirments for new sellers
 Viewed: 46 times
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In Suggestions, TallyToyBricks writes:
  I voted yes, not because this is the best solution, but there needs to be some
solution. If buyers don't trust the marketplace, eventually sales decline.

BrickLink needs a high enough bar to limit scammers, but low enough to allow
legitimate new sellers. The current bar is way too low.

Maybe, a staggered sales limit for new stores (Ebay model); month 1 limit sales
to $250, then month 2 to $350, etc. BrickLink has the data to optimize the sales

If you can delay the amount of time scammers need to wait for their payday, you
limit the number of scammers. Additionally, any that are using fraudulent Bank
Accounts/PayPal/Credit Cards will probably be discovered within 3 months. Basically,
let the Trust and Security Departments of large financial institutions weed out
the bad actors.


Thank you. I'm glad to hear someone reading my thoughts.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Dec 9, 2023 06:55
 Subject: Requirments for new sellers
 Viewed: 343 times
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This is a suggestion to help prevent some of the recent problems with new seller

In the beginning (2000 until a few years back) anyone could request selling privs,
and could sell here. The door was wide open, and it was occasionally abused.
The current mode is to receive at least one positive FB. Based on another thread
here, it is possible that is also being abused.

The suggestion is to request fees in advance for the first 45-60 day selling
period. The range of dates is such that at least one full month will be contained.
At the end of that time-frame, any fees not used would be refunded as a partial
refund. The amount charged would be nominal ($5 for example) but would also act
as a speed brake because it would limit how much can be sold during the time
frame (roughly $150). Someone who expects and intends to sell more, could pay
a larger initial fee, but would also face more verification prior to approval.

The advantage of doing this is that it would require someone to prove they exist
as a real person, via the payment. It may also expose someone trying to use a
stolen credit card.

The disadvantage is that it may limit participation from countries where electronic
payment is not possible.

I'm not 100% thrilled with this suggestion, but I think something needs to
be done to enhance validation and to limit the velocity of abuse.

Nita Rae
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Dec 9, 2023 06:14
 Subject: Re: L and N Bricks.
 Viewed: 94 times
 Topic: Problem
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In Problem, maxlego writes:
  Why is this store still open???




The problem being described here, goes way beyond how/why the LukasandNate account
has been compromised/used.

There are an unusual number of buyers, who received/posted positive feedback,
and now have a FB rating of one. Looking at the last one ( https://www.bricklink.com/feedback.asp?u=gsshr.BOKAR.766
) the order number came on or after 6 Dec. My last order number, prior to closing,
was 23770643 on 6 Dec. There is no way anything sent by LukasandNate could have
been fulfilled, packed, transited and delivered (California to New Jersey) in
less than 24 hours. If you click thru, this buyer account left positive FB on
6 Dec, even before the LukasandNate account left it for them. While technically
possible, it has a rather odd odor about it.

This suggests that the LukasandNate was being used to run scams on existing buyers,
and to assist in seeding more seller accounts, to cause more chaos. All those
single (or very low digit accounts) should be investigated for similar nonsense.
Especially if they are using the single feedback to request selling privs.

How and why the LukasandNate account got into this state is one issue. Who is
using it, and the damage being caused is quite another.

Nita Rae

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