Discussion Forum: Messages by Andy_Bell (2388)
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 Apr 13, 2023 09:42View Thread
Inventory Change Request for Set 7663-1 - Andy_Bell (2388)
 Nov 23, 2018 11:36View Thread
Inventory Change Request for Set 6537-1 - Andy_Bell (2388)
 Dec 8, 2014 00:39View Thread
Inventory Change Request for Set 6361-1 - Andy_Bell (2388)- 
 Nov 13, 2014 11:24View Thread
Inventory Change Request for Set 6383-1 - Andy_Bell (2388)- 
 Nov 13, 2014 11:23View Thread
Inventory Change Request for Set 6393-1 - Andy_Bell (2388)- 
 Jun 27, 2014 15:57View Thread
for the health of BrickLink - Andy_Bell (2388)13 
 Apr 8, 2014 15:01View Thread
Please add NSS to activity items on MyBL page - Andy_Bell (2388)- 
 Apr 4, 2014 18:08View Thread
Clarify nature of the forum - Andy_Bell (2388)
 Mar 27, 2014 12:32View Thread
Forum as RSS feed - Andy_Bell (2388)
 Mar 25, 2014 16:48View Thread
make Admin/official posts easier to find - Andy_Bell (2388)
 Jan 2, 2014 00:09View Thread
quick easy fix for wanted list volume control - Andy_Bell (2388)
 Jun 11, 2013 10:13View Thread
change auto store closure action and notice - Andy_Bell (2388)
 May 3, 2013 10:35View Thread
add IE note to My Inventory Page - Andy_Bell (2388)
 Aug 14, 2011 18:39View Thread
save server - change wanted list search - Andy_Bell (2388)