Cool LEGO Links & Resources: CAD
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BlueBrick version 1.0 - CAD train/monorail track desinger, free software for Windows/Vista, by Alban Nanty.
     [Clicks: 2495 | ID: 623]
BrickSmith - Virtual LEGO modeling for Macintosh
     [Clicks: 1876 | ID: 425]
Color Manager - MLCAD Addon for updating color palette & filtering parts based on BrickLink
     [Clicks: 1134 | ID: 742]
Custom Lego Mosaics - Build lego mosiacs!
     [Clicks: 1361 | ID: 687]
L3P - Produces a ready-to-render POV-file from any LDRAW model using any part
     [Clicks: 1363 | ID: 495]
L3PAdd-on - Converts LDraw files (.ldr, .mpd, .dat) into .pov files for POV-Ray
     [Clicks: 721 | ID: 496] - Centralized Ldraw Resources
     [Clicks: 14178 | ID: 22]
LDView - Real-time 3D viewer for displaying LDraw models using 3D graphics
     [Clicks: 1527 | ID: 648]
MLCad - Windows Editor for Ldraw files
     [Clicks: 1895 | ID: 23]
PicToBrick - Make your own mosaic
     [Clicks: 2016 | ID: 388]
POV-Ray - Persistence of vision
     [Clicks: 967 | ID: 192]
Printable Ldraw Parts Catalog - A paper version of all the Ldraw parts.
     [Clicks: 1525 | ID: 214]
ROBLOX - Virtual Playworld
     [Clicks: 1146 | ID: 428]
Track Draw - Train track and baseplate planning tool
     [Clicks: 2843 | ID: 306]
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