By default, buyers see a page containing your store terms when they visit. However, sellers may create their own custom landing page called a Splash page. This option is in your Store Settings.
To create a Splash page, enter text into the text box and click Submit Changes. Visit our Basic Guide to HTML to see which HTML tags are supported on Splash pages. To delete your Splash page, check the Delete Page checkbox or clear the text box and click Submit Changes.
If you update your Splash page while you have open orders, the previous version is available for one month.
| Set the splash page as your default landing page |
Go to your Store Settings to make the splash page your store's landing page.
| Additional Pages: |
You may also add additional Splash pages. A menu is added to each page if you have more than one page.
- Adding Additional Pages – Enter the page name in the box above the text area and click Add Page. You can only add an additional page after your main page contains text. The name of a page is limited to 25 characters.
- Changing Pages – You must be on a page to change it. To navigate between pages, click the page names in the sidebar menu.
- Deleting Pages – You can only delete your main page after deleting all additional pages. Check the Delete Page checkbox or clear the text box and click Submit Changes.
- Menu – When additional pages are present, a menu containing their names is shown on each page. By default, the menu is shown in a sidebar on the left of each page. There are also options to show the menu on top of each page or not show the menu at all.
- Background Color – Sellers can choose a background color for each page. Enter the HEX value of the color or click on the Color Table link to select from predefined colors.
- Sort – There is an option to enter a letter or a number on each page in a sort box. The links in the menu are sorted by this field if present. Your main page is always sorted first.
- Page Status – The page status indicates public visibility.
- Show Page – The page is visible to the public.
- Hide Page – The page is hidden from public view. Hidden pages do not appear in the menu.
| Images: |
To have images on your page, you have an option to include images hosted elsewhere or Upload Images to BrickLink.
- Folders - Add folders if you have a lot of images. After you have added a folder, click on the folder name to go to that folder. Deleting a folder will also delete all images in that folder.
- Adding Images - Click on "browse" to locate the image on your PC and click on "Upload Image" to upload the image. To add images to a specific folder, you must be in that folder. If your image exceeds width of 640 then the image is resized to width 640. A small 80 x 60 pixels image will also be created for every image you upload.
- Viewing Images - Click on the small image to see the large image.
- Deleting Images - Check the checkbox below each image you want to delete and press the "Delete Selected Images" button.
- Linking to Images - The image ID and file extension is located below each image. Large images are located in the /myImg/ folder and small images are located in the /myImgT/ folder
- Large Image URL:
http://www.bricklink.com/myImg/{image ID}.{file extension}"> or
<IMG SRC="/myImg/{image ID}.{file extension}">
- Small Image URL:
http://www.bricklink.com/myImg/Thumb/{image ID}.{file extension}"> or
<IMG SRC="/myImg/Thumb/{image ID}.{file extension}">
| Constraints: |