Every item in the Bricklink catalog has an assigned name.
| Naming: |
- Parts - Parts are named first by type of part, then with the dimensions of the part. The name is usually a description of the part's shape, size and any patterns printed on it.
- Patterned Parts - Patterned parts are named by adding a description onto the base part's description. Where possible, consistent descriptions should be used for patterns repeated on several different parts.
- Sticker Sheets - Sticker sheets are named "Sticker Sheet for Set" followed by the set number. Where a set includes more than one sticker sheet, additional text may be added to distinguish the sheets.
- Category names in Part names - The BrickLink system does not automatically add the category name text to your submitted part name text. Please type this in yourself when appropriate. For some Part categories, the category name is not included in the part name. Please familiarize yourself with the naming conventions of the catalog.
- Color names in Part names - A color name should not be the first word or words in the part name. When a Seller lists a part for sale, they select the color that will show as the first word or words in the part name when it is displayed in the store. The syntax of all part names must take this into account. Color names describing a pattern on a part should match the Color Guide names established for part materials as closely as possible. That means pattern colors should be matched as closely as possible to material colors. Do not abbreviate color names in any way unless absolutely necessary to fit your submission name in the space allotted. Color names should be capitalized and punctuated as shown in the Color Guide. Exceptions to these rules are determined only at administrative discretion.
- Sets - Sets are named according to the name used in LEGO catalogs. If a name is not known, then a descriptive name is created and enclosed in curved brackets { }.
- Minifigures - Minifigures should be primarily named by either role, character
name, or significant (and usually common) characteristic of dress. Where known,
the LEGO character name is used. Additional text is added to distinguish multiple
versions of the same character. Character-named minifigures often do not need to
be described with other attributes such as headgear, color of legs, etc. Figure
titles should not include set, book, or gear numbers; these are only allowed
in the figure title until that figure is added to an inventory and must then
be removed.
- Books - Books are named according to the title. Additional descriptive text may be used to distinguish versions.
- Gear - Other items may be named using a LEGO catalog name, or using a descriptive name.
| Notes: |
Axle Hole Orientation:
Some parts have holes designed to hold Technic axles. Note that axle here means something with a cruciform cross section, and a round cross section indicates a pin. Over time, the designed shape of these holes has changed. Sometimes, on what is essentially the same part, even the orientation of the axle, when the axle is in the hole, has been changed. Orientation is designated as either "+" (plus) or "x" (the letter x) and depends on how the axle tines appear with respect to studs on a part surface. A "+" orientation means an imaginary line extending from each axle tine would pass through the space between studs. An "x" orientation means an imaginary line extending from each axle tine would run into the studs.
Smooth Parts:
The word Smooth in a part name is used to distinguish a specific part variation. Over time LEGO has changed the surface texture of some parts, notably slopes. In most cases the textured variety preceded the smooth variety. Smooth does not indicate a reduction of such surface textures to 'barely there'. It indicates a surface completely and deliberately smooth except for accidental effects of the molding process.
Hose Lengths:
Hose lengths are measured in studs. If you see for example 19L then that means that the hose is 19 studs long. Some hoses may also have the length in cm in the description in addition to the length in studs.
Minifigures and Minifigure Related Parts:
The terms Left and Right are applied as from the forward looking perspective of the minifigure itself, not as from a human viewer looking at the minifigure.
| Restrictions: |
Limited to 150 characters
Cannot include the double quotation mark character: "