Feedback Forum: Profile of tekaylasunrise (36)
ID Card

tekaylasunrise (36)

Location:  USA, Mississippi
Member Since Contact Type Status
Feb 8, 2024 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: Magnolia Bricks Company

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 36 36 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 2 4 36 36 
 Buying  Selling 

34 2 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  BrickFlip (3711)  Feb 11, 2025  27511742  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer, prompt and reliable - a pleasure to deal with anytime!
 Praise  ravpug (703)  Feb 9, 2025  27243621  Buyer 
 great buyer, enjoy your legos!
 Praise  Brickmatey (1181)  Jan 29, 2025  27396206  Buyer 
 Great Buyer - Smooth Transaction - Recommended. Thanks for buying at Brickmatey!
 Praise  Futbolclif (12)  Jan 18, 2025  27149036  Seller 
 Couldn't find in store thanks to scalpers. Thanks.
 Praise  tomte (84793)  Jan 9, 2025  26606780  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at Brick Takeover. You are always welcome.
 Praise  rrralison (19)  Jan 7, 2025  27134072  Seller 
 Great set at a great price.
 Praise  RasulStore (275)  Dec 2, 2024  26013641  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Always welcome in our store!
 Praise  BRICK_BLUE (2896)  Nov 29, 2024  26730822  Buyer 
 Praise  DarthDogBricks (236)  Nov 22, 2024  26739159  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping at Darth Dog Bricks! Come see us again!
 Praise  sarbaek (1027)  Nov 18, 2024  26730649  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping at Sarbricks, it's been a pleasure to serve you

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