Feedback Forum: Profile of santosmc01 (716)
ID Card

santosmc01 (716)

Location:  USA, California
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jul 11, 2019 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 100 716 
Neutral: 1 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 3 8 100 717 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  JonoKlep (113)  Feb 8, 2025  27515822  Buyer 
 Welcome back! Thank you for shopping Jono's Brick House!
 Praise  CreativeBrikGuy (2026)  Feb 7, 2025  27504810  Buyer 
 Great customer! Thanks for using the Creative Brick Center.
 Praise  CreativeBrikGuy (2026)  Feb 4, 2025  27477673  Buyer 
 Great customer! Thanks for using the Creative Brick Center.
 Praise  CreativeBrikGuy (2026)  Jan 21, 2025  27300517  Buyer 
 Great customer! Thanks for using the Creative Brick Center.
 Praise  CreativeBrikGuy (2026)  Jan 21, 2025  27300465  Buyer 
 Great customer! Thanks for using the Creative Brick Center.
 Praise  ToppleBricks (1078)  Jan 17, 2025  27246675  Buyer 
 Thanks for your order!!! Enjoy the Coupon! Hope you visit our store again soon!
 Praise  TheBrickGuys (14054)  Jan 14, 2025  27237435  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order of Lego. We hope you enjoy putting them to good use!
 Praise  StrayFloatStore (572)  Jan 12, 2025  27253297  Buyer 
 Thank you for ordering at the StrayFloatStore!
 Praise  Tavoian (863)  Dec 30, 2024  27123817  Buyer 
 Thank You!
 Praise  roxanne (10324)  Dec 30, 2024  27065612  Buyer 
 Awesome customer as always! Fast payment and left feedback! Thank you very much!

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