Feedback Forum: Profile of pcjohan.vanrens (272)
ID Card

pcjohan.vanrens (272)

Location:  South Africa, Eastern Cape
Member Since Contact Type Status
Dec 22, 2020 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 41 272 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 1 41 272 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Anemone39 (19849)  Jan 23, 2025  26953678  Buyer 
 Great buyer, AW's Brick Collection hopes to see you again soon :-)
 Praise  Agent_Blocks (973)  Jan 9, 2025  27189088  Buyer 
 Awesome, Thank you
 Praise  Poppie123 (1228)  Jan 6, 2025  26879549  Buyer 
 Thank you for returning to the Cape Brick Fairy - Super Buyer!
 Praise  elnamm (1129)  Dec 16, 2024  27011524  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order Johan! Much appreciated.
 Praise  LeonLEGOmnMentz (608)  Dec 16, 2024  26898492  Buyer 
 Well played
 Praise  SandraPio (857)  Dec 12, 2024  26897793  Buyer 
 Excellent customer
 Praise  Brix.Alley (826)  Dec 11, 2024  26964186  Buyer 
 Excellent customer! Thank you for shopping at BrixAlley!
 Praise  jlbisschoff (2396)  Dec 10, 2024  26946992  Buyer 
 Dankie vir petaling en welkom weer by Bricks4Africa!!
 Praise  Brickegy (771)  Dec 10, 2024  26953370  Buyer 
 Awesome customer. Thank you so much for returning to Brickegy. :-)
 Praise  Theo.Dryden (771)  Dec 9, 2024  26873030  Buyer 
 Thank you for being an amazing customer

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