Feedback Forum: Profile of marek3 (13)
ID Card

marek3 (13)

Location:  Czech Republic, Plzeňský Kraj
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jul 2, 2022 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 13 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 4 13 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  BricksMummy (5994)  Jan 16, 2025  27240939  Buyer 
 Excellent Buyer, Thank you for shopping @Bricksmummy
 Praise  TDH_Bricks (7407)  Jan 9, 2025  27202440  Buyer 
 Nice repeating Buyer, all okay again. Always welcomed back at TDH Bricks
 Praise  kockarCZ (318)  Jan 8, 2025  27201966  Buyer 
 Ihned zaplaceno. Vše v pořádku. Doporučuji.
 Praise  BricksMummy (5994)  Sep 23, 2024  26255818  Buyer 
 Good buyer, fast payment, thank you for choosing Bricksmummy.
 Praise  TDH_Bricks (7407)  Jan 17, 2024  24134695  Buyer 
 Nice repeating Buyer, all okay again. Always welcomed back at TDH Bricks
 Praise  3M_Bricks (2497)  Nov 10, 2023  23511033  Buyer 
 Fast payment. Great customer. RECOMMENDED.
 Praise  VLABricks (8295)  Jul 20, 2023  22641870  Buyer 
 Fast payment, thank you. Always You're welcome :-)
 Praise  AdyBricks (329)  Jun 12, 2023  22343131  Buyer 
 Fast payment, smooth transaction, TOP buyer. Thank you, AdyBricks :)
 Praise  karel476 (3273)  Aug 4, 2022  19617866  Buyer 
 Excellent customer. Thank you very much. Welcome back anytime.
 Praise  BrickVision (1719)  Jul 25, 2022  19641823  Buyer 
 Perfect buyer, fast payment. Always welcome. Thank you.

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