Feedback Forum: Profile of macduff2000 (2160): Buyer Feedback
ID Card

macduff2000 (2160)

Location:  USA, Texas
Member Since Contact Type Status
Sep 21, 2003 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: Texas Brickhouse

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Topher88 (1825)  Oct 5, 2023  22807065  Buyer 
 Excellent repeat Buyer! Thanks so much for your business!
 Praise  Topher88 (1825)  Oct 5, 2023  22631506  Buyer 
 Excellent repeat Buyer! Thanks so much for your business!
 Praise  prestonswann (585)  Jul 28, 2023  22637054  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order! If you have a moment, please leave positive feedback.
 Praise  HicksBricks (3054)  Jul 27, 2023  22637191  Buyer 
 Great buyer, thanks for choosing Hicks and Hers Bricks!!
 Praise  Ice (5820)  Jul 26, 2023  22637574  Buyer 
 Quick response, good communication, would gladly deal with again. Thanks!
 Praise  ElusiveElements (2715)  Jul 24, 2023  22636989  Buyer 
 Awesome buyer! Thank you very much!
 Praise  LibertyBricksMN (2775)  Jul 22, 2023  22635774  Buyer 
 Great transaction, fast payment! Thanks for shopping at Liberty Bricks MN
 Praise  Thatbricklady (4724)  Jul 22, 2023  22637272  Buyer 
 Perfect transaction! Thank you and see you next time :)
 Praise  waltzking (8933)  Jul 21, 2023  22637340  Buyer 
 Great buyer to *Deal* with! Thanks for your business, and enjoy the LEGO!
 Praise  rebelbrickz (1748)  Jul 20, 2023  22637410  Buyer 
 Great buyer, thanks for shopping at rebelbrickz!

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