Feedback Forum: Profile of lostsoldier (12)
ID Card

lostsoldier (12)

Location:  USA, Michigan
Member Since Contact Type Status
Dec 28, 2021 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 12 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 2 12 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Bricktackular (1074)  Jun 9, 2024  25417445  Buyer 
 Fast payment, great to deal with. Thanks for a smooth transaction!
 Praise  piecemeal (4008)  May 19, 2024  25203601  Buyer 
 Excellent Bricklinker. Hope to see you back soon @ In Pieces!!
 Praise  seti587 (4591)  Sep 7, 2023  22930069  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order!
 Praise  Lucasbl (1738)  Aug 27, 2023  22930072  Buyer 
 A+ buyer, fast payment. Thanks!
 Praise  brickbuzzard (267)  Feb 6, 2023  21285476  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping the Brick Buzzard!
 Praise  LifeInPlastic (6633)  Jan 5, 2023  20792815  Buyer 
 Thanks so much for your order! Always welcome.
 Praise  bader (3952)  Dec 14, 2022  20792726  Buyer 
 Super Rocket Fast Payment! Great Buyer! Thank You! and Welcome to Bricklink!!!
 Praise  amyfol (58621)  Jul 1, 2022  19446381  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Till next time at Kentuckiana Bricks!
 Praise  janetobrien (3302)  Jun 28, 2022  19421313  Buyer 
 Great Customer, Thanks Janet O'Brien
 Praise  Stella2015 (8100)  Jun 27, 2022  19446394  Buyer 

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