Feedback Forum: Profile of fe.tokage (77)
ID Card

fe.tokage (77)

Location:  USA, Washington
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jan 15, 2016 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 78 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 1 

Total: 0 1 2 79 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  jmaune01 (3154)  Jan 9, 2025  27087968  Buyer 
 Excellent customer - great to work with and appreciate the feedback!
 Praise  POPS_BLOCK_SHOP (14692)  Dec 27, 2024  27087975  Buyer 
 Greatness from an Amazing Person!FAST PAYMENT!Thanks for Making This place GREAT
 Praise  HadleyG (1802)  Jan 25, 2024  24061953  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thank you for your order!
 Praise  jmaune01 (3154)  Jan 19, 2024  24061968  Buyer 
 Great customer - appreciate the feedback - happy building!
 Praise  naudjpv (1356)  Nov 27, 2023  23578575  Buyer 
 Fantastic Buyer, thank you very much!
 Praise  staltair (3822)  Nov 24, 2023  23578552  Buyer 
 A+++ Thank you for supporting our veteran-owned and operated store!
 Praise  Legofreak1283 (1243)  Nov 22, 2023  23578560  Buyer 
 Great Buyer, Fast payment, welcome back anytime
 Praise  LifeInPieces (4021)  May 31, 2023  22267786  Buyer 
 Big Thanks from Life In Pieces! Follow us on Instagram @LifeInPiecesBrickShop
 Praise  Amazingly (11852)  May 30, 2023  22267810  Buyer 
 Thanks so much A+++
 Complaint  bigasbricks (14690)  May 15, 2023  21738515  Buyer 
 Didn't order enough wanted us to send them freebies total BS SCAMMER
 Reply: Wow. Takes no responsibility for error & now resorts to lies & name calling. Sad
 Follow-Up: Reached out to other sellers they have a pattern of claiming issues for $

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