Feedback Forum: Profile of bleessc89 (122): Buyer Feedback
ID Card

bleessc89 (122)

Location:  USA, Minnesota
Member Since Contact Type Status
Dec 17, 2016 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: LegacyProductions

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  JasterMereel11 (574)  Dec 21, 2024  25947529  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order!
 Praise  jeffslugs1 (280)  Dec 9, 2024  26919993  Buyer 
 Awesome and easy transaction :) Hope to see you again soon.
 Praise  anishinesbrick (2246)  Aug 26, 2024  25947546  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order and fast payment.
 Praise  BlainesWorld (10240)  Mar 7, 2023  21326053  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Welcome back to Blaine's World anytime!
 Praise  wagnerml (980)  Dec 3, 2020  14084140  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Fast payment! Thanks! Great commuication!
 Praise  bb934444 (565)  Aug 3, 2020  13904360  Buyer 
 Thank you for buying from Central Valley BrickWorks! Expert Buyer! A++++
 Praise  bb934444 (565)  Jul 16, 2020  13759237  Buyer 
 Thank you for buying from Central Valley BrickWorks! Absolute Best Buyer A+++
 Praise  bb934444 (565)  Jun 11, 2020  13480717  Buyer 
 Thank you for buying from Central Valley BrickWorks! Our Best Buyer! A+++
 Praise  bb934444 (565)  May 1, 2020  13054700  Buyer 
 Thank you for buying from Central Valley BrickWorks! Our Absolute Best Buyer! A+
 Praise  bb934444 (565)  Apr 14, 2020  12868871  Buyer 
 Thank you for buying from Central Valley BrickWorks! One of our best buyers! A++

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