Feedback Forum: Profile of bb405368 (139)
ID Card

bb405368 (139)

Location:  South Korea, Kyongsang-bukdo
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jun 13, 2013 Contact Member Buyer
No Longer Registered
No Longer Registered

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 139 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 0 139 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  3_BRICKS (39799)  Feb 5, 2020  12312364  Buyer 
 ✅ EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for shopping at 3 BRICKS!
 Praise  Stein_Auf_Stein (11325)  Dec 5, 2019  12035010  Buyer 
 perfect buyer! Thank you very much for your order at Stein auf Stein Shop :)
 Praise  BrickFeverParts (25006)  Oct 7, 2019  11720799  Buyer 
 ✔ Thank you very much! Great buyer, welcome back anytime ☺ - BrickFever ♥ LEGO
 Praise  44bricks (48251)  Oct 4, 2019  11733044  Buyer 
 Thank you very much for choosing 44 BRICKS, anytime welcome again
 Praise  jbricks (19189)  Aug 22, 2016  6754696  Buyer 
 thank you for ordering @Jbricks
 Praise  NDToys (15366)  Aug 3, 2016  6797625  Buyer 
 Simply the best! Thanks for stopping by NDToys, Welcome back anytime!! Enjoy!!!
 Praise  NDToys (15366)  Jul 2, 2016  6739392  Buyer 
 Simply the best! Thanks for stopping by NDToys, Welcome back anytime!! Enjoy!!!
 Praise  tomte (84723)  Apr 27, 2016  6458754  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at Brick Takeover. You are always welcome.
 Praise  Light7555 (329)  Apr 24, 2016  6455830  Buyer 
 Praise  mixedbricks (10675)  Feb 29, 2016  6304568  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping at Great buyer, welcome back any time !

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