Feedback Forum: Profile of Yoshi4Lego7259 (20)
ID Card

Yoshi4Lego7259 (20)

Location:  USA, California
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jun 3, 2016 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - Revoked
Store: Brickster's Revenge

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 20 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 0 20 
 Buying  Selling 

16 4 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  JedinytGarrett (1135)  Sep 12, 2023  22893448  Seller 
 Great Store! Highly Recommend
 Praise  GrayToyBox (74)  Sep 11, 2023  22925677  Buyer 
 Quick payment! Excellent buyer! Thank you!
 Praise  SpiderDaddy (33)  Jul 17, 2023  22204240  Seller 
 Clean,new minifigs, fair price, shipped very safely
 Praise  Trsmith24 (53)  Apr 18, 2023  21842707  Seller 
 Thank you
 Praise  RockiesGuyLego (1210)  Dec 22, 2022  20838270  Buyer 
 Great Buyer - A pleasure working with you. A+++++
 Praise  spiral (410)  Dec 9, 2022  20700841  Seller 
 Very positive; thanks!
 Praise  prickly_bricker (355)  Feb 22, 2022  18465656  Buyer 
 Thank you!
 Praise  2MoRy2 (5991)  Feb 16, 2022  18363457  Buyer 
 Very fast payment, great buyer! Thank you for shopping at Maine Connection!
 Praise  Biglesdug (2663)  Feb 11, 2022  18390036  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer, instant payment. Thank you for shopping with me!
 Praise  ATlike (2371)  Jan 3, 2022  18007221  Buyer 
 Very quick payment, Thank You Hope to see you again Chamber of Parts

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