Feedback Forum: Profile of WGB3678 (101): Buyer Feedback
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WGB3678 (101)

Location:  USA, Utah
Member Since Contact Type Status
Dec 26, 2021 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  charlesjay88 (1421)  Dec 28, 2024  26368329  Buyer 
 A+ Awesome buyer!
 Praise  Brock (35752)  Oct 30, 2024  26376111  Buyer 
 Wonderful transaction. Thank you for shopping at Brock's Bricks!
 Praise  Legofreak1283 (1243)  Oct 11, 2024  26359014  Buyer 
 Great Buyer, Fast payment, welcome back anytime
 Praise  dingraham (2828)  Oct 11, 2024  26359000  Buyer 
 thank you for ordering from CapeMadness store
 Praise  BrickPatchKid (42)  Oct 6, 2024  26297599  Buyer 
 Perfect transaction, thanks for choosing brickpatchkid!
 Praise  mattmayou47 (51)  Oct 4, 2024  26357149  Buyer 
 Thanks for your purchase
 Praise  AFOLliquidation (2254)  Oct 4, 2024  26368352  Buyer 
 Excellent customer! Thank you! Build on.
 Praise  coupleoldbricks (1286)  Oct 2, 2024  26357144  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping @Coupleoldbricks. Great Buyer!
 Praise  JustFunInc. (1024)  Oct 2, 2024  26297489  Buyer 
 A+ Buyer, Thanks4urSupport, much appreciated 👊
 Praise  whit2835 (337)  Oct 2, 2024  26305090  Buyer 
 Smooth Transaction, very kind, thank you

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