Feedback Forum: Profile of MSBrainFog (15)
ID Card

MSBrainFog (15)

Location:  USA, Connecticut
Member Since Contact Type Status
Feb 20, 2019 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 15 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 1 3 7 15 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  LegoLagasse (1568)  Feb 14, 2025  27460734  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thank you for your business!
 Praise  jeffk007 (601)  Jan 26, 2025  27394101  Buyer 
 Happy to have you as a customer, thanks from Kitchen Sync!
 Praise  darenduncan (313)  Jan 21, 2025  27282233  Buyer 
 Great Buyer, Fast Payment.
 Praise  Brick.Door (7894)  Dec 23, 2024  27044558  Buyer 
 Everything is awesome!!!
 Praise  Isaac (338)  Oct 19, 2024  26464818  Buyer 
 Buyer communicated well and was a pleasure.
 Praise  BrickBrokers (13240)  Jun 29, 2024  25515070  Buyer 
 Super BrickLinker - fast easy transaction, thanks again!
 Praise  shonboi (12254)  Jun 21, 2024  25383457  Buyer 
 Good buyer. Welcome to Sable Wyvern!
 Praise  Tere2014 (1480)  Dec 12, 2023  23828349  Buyer 
 Great transaction, lightning fast payment! Thank U so much for shopping with us!
 Praise  Tmendonsa (418)  Jul 12, 2023  22329133  Buyer 
 Praise  pjwladybug (4799)  May 12, 2023  22135469  Buyer 
 Excellent Repeat Buyer ** Super Fast Payment ** Thank you for another nice order

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