Feedback Forum: Profile of Dr1t3r (306): Buyer Feedback
ID Card

Dr1t3r (306)

Location:  Spain, Aragon
Member Since Contact Type Status
May 1, 2022 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: IberianBricks

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  MrsBricks (2849)  Sep 16, 2024  26219847  Buyer 
 Great customer! You are always welcome in the future at CostaBricks
 Praise  MrsBricks (2849)  Aug 19, 2024  25963091  Buyer 
 Great customer! You are always welcome in the future at CostaBricks
 Praise  jordan_bricks (434)  Jun 23, 2023  22436365  Buyer 
 The buyer is wonderful. He made the payment very fast and very good communicatio
 Praise  Stellar (3870)  Jun 21, 2023  22436382  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping at Stellar Bricks!
 Praise  erkiker (938)  Oct 3, 2022  19993645  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer & great communication. Welcome back anytime at Kiko Bricks!
 Praise  erkiker (938)  Oct 3, 2022  19635664  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer & great communication. Welcome back anytime at Kiko Bricks!
 Praise  althea1 (912)  Sep 20, 2022  19993919  Buyer 
 Many thanks for your order and positive feedback!
 Praise  LEGO.Leo.Brick (1194)  Sep 12, 2022  19993890  Buyer 
  Great buyer++++++ hasta pronto!!!
 Praise  althea1 (912)  Jul 29, 2022  19635644  Buyer 
 Many thanks for your order and positive feedback! Welcome anytime.
 Praise  chirrigijon (556)  Jul 29, 2022  19641485  Buyer 
 great buyer

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