Feedback Forum: Profile of BLUSER_93277 (30484)
ID Card

BLUSER_93277 (30484)

Location:  USA, Minnesota
Member Since Contact Type Status
Feb 13, 2007 Contact Member Seller
No Longer RegisteredNo Longer Registered
Store Closed Store: HOUSE OF LOGOS
No Longer Registered

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 30616 
Neutral: 256 
Complaint: 132 

Total: 0 0 0 31004 
 Buying  Selling 
493 30123 

499 30505 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  BLUSER_601622 (11)  Feb 28, 2016  5708930  Seller 
 Great seller, understanding and helpful!
 Praise  Gingerela (489)  Feb 20, 2016  5690393  Seller 
 I was patient and chose to wait, and they more than made up for it. Thank you!
 Praise  Drooppu (1006)  Feb 16, 2016  5630183  Seller 
 Good Seller. Order refunded, hope you get back on your feet soon !
 Praise  bb607662 (95)  Feb 3, 2016  5629372  Seller 
 Quick easy transaction, thank you!
 Praise  TiGa (4718)  Jan 28, 2016  5684734  Seller 
 Order never arrived, but the communication and refund OK!
 Praise  BigGene (1152)  Jan 28, 2016  5643184  Seller 
 Ace seller. Fantastic transaction
 Praise  bb560286 (2)  Jan 15, 2016  5643047  Seller 
 Thank you for your patience
 Complaint  lukezon (129)  Jan 14, 2016  5607916  Seller 
 items being cancelled after 2 months delay. apologized, that's all ?
 Praise  mr.celegans (76)  Jan 11, 2016  5715866  Seller 
 great bricks, fast ship, thanks!
 Praise  l3go65 (101)  Jan 11, 2016  5677682  Seller 
 Excellent parts, communication could be improved. Very happy overall!!

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