Feedback Forum: Profile of EcofriendlyBrik (1662): Reply to Feedback
ID Card

EcofriendlyBrik (1662)

Location:  USA, Indiana
Member Since Contact Type Status
Oct 21, 2021 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: EcoFriendly Bricks

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 20 81 980 1663 
Neutral: 4 
Complaint: 1 

Total: 20 82 984 1668 
 Buying  Selling 
10 1653 

10 1658 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B   Reply 
 Praise  wtfett (115)  Feb 8, 2025  27435034  Seller Reply 
 Fast shipping, great communication. Will buy from again!
 Praise  WahooManiac (35)  Feb 8, 2025  27487267  Seller Reply 
 Great seller, very fast
 Praise  dman2900 (1225)  Feb 7, 2025  27252820  Seller Reply 
 Fast shipping, great items!
 Praise  dman2900 (1225)  Feb 7, 2025  27502784  Seller Reply 
 Fast shipping, great items!
 Praise  kmw (213)  Feb 7, 2025  27438877  Seller Reply 
 A mix-up in the accuracy of the delivered Lego order. Requesting partial refund.
 Praise  DARIO_ATHAN (7)  Feb 7, 2025  27085665  Seller Reply 
 Praise  JoshMcNugget (37)  Feb 6, 2025  27274129  Seller Reply 
 Thanks for helping me with all these parts!
 Praise  multihawk (87)  Feb 6, 2025  27366987  Seller Reply 
 Contents came as expected. 10/10
 Praise  ldavid03 (117)  Feb 5, 2025  27427778  Seller Reply 
 Fast shipping! Secure packaging. Great seller to work with, will be back! Thanks
 Praise  bricklord83 (124)  Feb 5, 2025  27445194  Seller Reply 
 Good transaction, would buy from again.

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