Feedback Forum: Profile of macduff2000 (2160): Posted Feedback

Summary of Posted Feedback:

Praise: 2403 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 18 

Total: 2421 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   To Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  truffledude12 (27)  Dec 5, 2024  26848631  Seller 
 Good transaction, Thank You!
 Praise  bandit1611 (69)  Nov 30, 2024  26666597  Seller 
 Good transaction, Thank You!
 Praise  robshaun99 (5)  Nov 4, 2024  26122268  Seller 
 Good transaction, Thank You!
 Praise  Old_Brick_Guy (51)  Nov 4, 2024  26368295  Seller 
 Good transaction, Thank You!
 Praise  Talsition (202)  Nov 4, 2024  26423635  Seller 
 Good transaction, Thank You!
 Praise  Opiewon (42)  Oct 28, 2024  26428104  Seller 
 Good transaction, Thank You!
 Praise  thelegoman123 (117)  Sep 17, 2024  25578056  Seller 
 Good transaction, Thank You!
 Praise  joshjellel (5)  Sep 17, 2024  25522083  Seller 
 Good transaction, Thank You!
 Praise  woahpuppets (7)  Sep 17, 2024  25863211  Seller 
 Good transaction, Thank You!
 Praise  joaquin805 (3)  Sep 16, 2024  26022087  Seller 
 Thanks again for your understanding.

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S/B indicates whether macduff2000 was the Seller or Buyer in that transaction.