Feedback Forum: Profile of Weinberger (508): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Tape60 (33)  Nov 25, 2024  26744649  Seller 
 Tak for en god og hurtig handel
 Praise  xgummi (20)  Nov 13, 2024  26493253  Seller 
 followed shipping instructions, included a bonus
 Praise  helm2505 (5)  Nov 8, 2024  26532694  Seller 
 Everything was as expected
 Praise  len.inhotmail. (63)  Oct 19, 2024  26341033  Seller 
 No problems, recommend this seller.
 Praise  Roberto_Wladi (40)  Oct 14, 2024  26354595  Seller 
 Everithing was ok, great seller, good prices
 Praise  Andrsv (3235)  Oct 12, 2024  25105442  Buyer 
 Great :)
 Praise  Sdegs81 (1206)  Oct 1, 2024  26233360  Seller 
 Everything perfect!Thanks.
 Praise  GabrielPadilla (24)  Aug 28, 2024  25875058  Seller 
 Good seller, thanks!
 Praise  OliverBoi (3)  Aug 26, 2024  25970263  Seller 
 Everything went alright. Fast shipping
 Praise  TDH_Bricks (7403)  Aug 26, 2024  26012328  Buyer 
 Nice Buyer! All okay, fast payment. Always welcomed back at TDH Bricks
 Praise  T_Rex_Bricks (1201)  Aug 22, 2024  26012386  Buyer 
 Thanks for order :)
 Praise  aboudyzahlan (3)  Aug 20, 2024  25740931  Seller 
 Absolutely phenomenal. Parts came in wonderful condition and they lovely
 Complaint  Biodreamer (111)  Aug 4, 2024  25292074  Seller 
 All three order complete sets was incomplete, he tried to fix it but failed.
 Praise  Chiiima (18)  Jul 24, 2024  25647476  Seller 
 Great, great seller! Thanks for good treatment and very fast delivery
 Praise  jobdata (292)  Jul 21, 2024  25702699  Seller 
 Very fast, good communication, good packing, perfect!
 Praise  TH3D00M (53)  Jul 18, 2024  25671743  Seller 
 Very good packing, fast shipping, thank you very much for everything !
 Praise  Smilcat (206)  Jul 17, 2024  25654077  Seller 
 All good, thanks!
 Praise  ItamarAppelbaum (2)  Jul 16, 2024  25537357  Seller 
 Praise  zibiza (45)  Jul 12, 2024  25617496  Seller 
 everything was just fine.
 Praise  PRINCEDaniel (3970)  Jul 11, 2024  25561147  Buyer 
 Merci pour votre commande. A bientot:)
 Praise  Chiiima (18)  Jul 1, 2024  25549999  Seller 
 So fast and so cool. Thanks for very good service
 Praise  Ariesbrickshop (2044)  Jun 14, 2024  25452466  Buyer 
 Smooth transaction, fast payment, welcome back next time
 Praise  bslbricks2 (13167)  Jun 11, 2024  25452489  Buyer 
 Thank you for ordering at BSL Bricks! Welcome back any time!
 Praise  TimoLuehnen (426)  Jun 7, 2024  25308967  Seller 
 Fast shipping and clean bricks. Everything fine. Thank you.
 Praise  zangetzu (57)  Jun 3, 2024  25013030  Seller 
 Great ! Fast shipment and good packing ! Recommend !
 Praise  Paddifitz (6)  May 30, 2024  24613447  Seller 
 All items present quick and easy
 Praise  leonardoverde (63)  May 16, 2024  25156253  Seller 
 Everything OK... Perfect seller!!!
 Praise  boschou (4842)  Apr 30, 2024  25105204  Buyer 
 ++Great Buyer , fast payment, Thank You!+++
 Praise  Amoune (456)  Apr 23, 2024  24888692  Seller 
 Praise  boschou (4842)  Apr 22, 2024  25035218  Buyer 
 ++Great Buyer , fast payment, Thank You!+++
 Praise  Bricks_Island (92)  Apr 22, 2024  25035206  Buyer 
 Thanks for the order, Enjoy the Lego!
 Praise  klajus (33)  Apr 18, 2024  24932845  Seller 
 Very positive! All good! Thanks!
 Praise  RockLemon (7)  Apr 18, 2024  24850891  Seller 
 Everything was in perfect condition, all the figures and parts were like new
 Praise  Skitzofreni (21)  Apr 10, 2024  24383100  Seller 
 Good packaging and fast enough delivery
 Praise  musen2100 (326)  Apr 10, 2024  24749802  Seller 
 Everything perfect
 Praise  MadFabi (49)  Apr 10, 2024  24826422  Seller 
 Good packaging and everything as ordered
 Praise  kaputelefon (21)  Apr 8, 2024  24792579  Seller 
 All good, ty!
 Praise  Ixooo (26)  Apr 8, 2024  24794213  Seller 
 Perfect seller and great goods. Thank you very much.
 Praise  jirayu053 (2)  Apr 7, 2024  24771416  Seller 
 Nice++ ,Fast shipping , Lego 2949 base work well
 Praise  martinbilliet (16)  Mar 26, 2024  24715105  Seller 
 Welll packaged, fast shipping to Belgium! 🇧🇪
 Praise  HomeOne. (80)  Mar 26, 2024  24680463  Seller 
 All ok, thank's.
 Praise  Jerzy3p (52)  Mar 26, 2024  24675482  Seller 
 Everything is OK!!!
 Praise  dexxie90 (2174)  Mar 25, 2024  24652607  Buyer 
 Thank you for the order, always welcome.
 Praise  Max_Cady (693)  Mar 25, 2024  24652671  Buyer 
 The perfect buyer. Thank You!
 Praise  GerritBaarssen (786)  Mar 22, 2024  24652546  Buyer 
 Thank you for choosing bricks-urk !
 Praise  Coolerbre937 (8)  Mar 22, 2024  24586887  Seller 
 Praise  Oak_Bricks (3153)  Mar 20, 2024  24652745  Buyer 
 great buyer, always welcome at oak_bricks
 Praise  coqie (4408)  Mar 20, 2024  24652717  Buyer 
 Great buyer, fast communication and payment. Thx. Always welcome back.
 Praise  brickfrero (3098)  Mar 19, 2024  24652733  Buyer 
 Perfact, fast and smooth transaction. thank you
 Praise  marsup18 (482)  Mar 15, 2024  24645125  Seller 
 merci beaucoup super bien emballe et merci pour le cadeau tres rapide

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