Feedback Forum: Profile of TomRoefs (46): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Bloksjop (2496)  Nov 13, 2024  26655652  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping at Bloksjop!
 Praise  BSW.Bricks (6711)  Nov 8, 2024  26655433  Buyer 
 Welcome any time at BSW Bricks!
 Praise  DutchToGoBricks (532)  Nov 4, 2024  26602224  Buyer 
 A+++ buyer, happy to help you out next time!
 Praise  Deformule (3789)  Nov 4, 2024  26528794  Buyer 
 Thank you for supporting us, we look forward to seeing you agai in our store
 Praise  BrlckSpeciaList (4921)  Nov 2, 2024  26529187  Buyer 
 Great order with ultra fast payment. Always welcome @ Parts Specialist :)
 Praise  BSTORE_HOLLAND (11992)  Nov 1, 2024  26602356  Buyer 
 Top buyer - Always welcome - Thanks for shopping at Brickstore Holland.
 Praise  hbu (713)  Oct 29, 2024  26562485  Buyer 
 Thanks for your order, welcome back anytime to hbu2.1
 Praise  legoappie (17685)  Oct 29, 2024  26570391  Buyer 
 Come back any time, thanks for shopping at
 Praise  Nelleretnot (2013)  Oct 28, 2024  26554605  Buyer 
 dank u
 Praise  PalazzoBricks (1378)  Oct 27, 2024  26496849  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order. AAA+ buyer hoop to see you again

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