Feedback Forum: Profile of dpacker_54 (1906): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  drawnkitten (10)  Nov 10, 2024  26604291  Seller 
 A+ seller would buy from again
 Praise  worker201 (136)  Nov 7, 2024  26600595  Seller 
 Great seller, responsive, fast shipping, excellent transaction
 Praise  randyipp (3596)  Nov 3, 2024  26622736  Buyer 
 Thank you for your purchase, welcome back anytime!
 Praise  djparty (842)  Nov 1, 2024  26580473  Seller 
 Great prices great packaging, and fast shipping
 Praise  LaRiMaMa6 (22)  Oct 27, 2024  26438767  Seller 
 Outstanding to deal with. Sent wrong minifigure. No prob, resent correct one.
 Praise  robatron716 (3)  Oct 21, 2024  26431072  Seller 
 Great communication and fast shiiping!
 Praise  bricksanywhere (4949)  Oct 18, 2024  26467204  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Thanks from the Bricks Anywhere team!
 Praise  pdx1rdr (61159)  Oct 9, 2024  26374114  Buyer 
 Great Customer, Great Transaction. Thanks from A Lot of Bricks
 Praise  Caroline77 (1650)  Oct 7, 2024  26369281  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order!
 Praise  kdhoney44 (4)  Oct 3, 2024  26338992  Seller 
 Exactly as promised and super fast shipping! Thank you!
 Praise  Lukaszewski57 (3)  Oct 2, 2024  26310067  Seller 
 Fastest order ever! Very reasonable seller, great to work with. :-)
 Praise  LCLBrix (9)  Sep 21, 2024  25966301  Seller 
 VERY well packed. Thank you so much.
 Praise  HyphalTip (84)  Sep 17, 2024  25950954  Seller 
 Everything as described and quick shipping
 Praise  azstudsnplates (245)  Sep 13, 2024  26178591  Seller 
 10/10 seller!
 Praise  BigBonedBricks (3149)  Sep 6, 2024  26077926  Buyer 
 Thank you for your 2nd order!!! Hope you come back soon
 Praise  0to60 (6777)  Sep 4, 2024  26003924  Buyer 
 Thank you for buying from 0 to 60. Great transaction. Much appreciated.
 Praise  Brickthewall (21443)  Aug 28, 2024  25770283  Seller 
 Praise  davesbrickshop (3698)  Aug 27, 2024  25864703  Buyer 
  Thanks for your business
 Praise  Zach989 (17)  Aug 23, 2024  25976543  Seller 
 All mini figures arrived in great condition and were packaged very well.
 Praise  waden34 (584)  Aug 16, 2024  25965683  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Thanks for choosing J&E Bricks!!!
 Praise  Creech_Magoo (2)  Aug 15, 2024  25848380  Seller 
 Easy peasy
 Praise  PapaBiko (86)  Aug 12, 2024  25918683  Seller 
 Got my Knight Vladek and got a huge smile! Great quality maintenance 10/10
 Praise  allbrickbuffet (5069)  Aug 12, 2024  25938925  Buyer 
 Thank You For Choosing All Brick Buffet!
 Praise  Spoobs (38)  Aug 9, 2024  25772539  Seller 
 Product arrived as expected, no issues!
 Praise  davynsoutpost (86)  Aug 9, 2024  25884292  Seller 
 Items in great condition and packaged with immense care! Thanks!!

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