Feedback Forum: Profile of TheBatbrick (36): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Aicoates (121)  Nov 5, 2024  26617508  Buyer 
 Excellent communication. Highly recommend! Thank you :)
 Praise  Aicoates (121)  Nov 5, 2024  26617011  Buyer 
 Excellent communication. Highly recommend! Thank you :)
 Praise  Korndogg81 (233)  Nov 4, 2024  26626346  Buyer 
 Great Customer! Thank you for shopping with us!
 Praise  rab1234 (2317)  Nov 1, 2024  26524962  Buyer 
 Good buyer!
 Praise  QuarkyBricks (1370)  Oct 24, 2024  26377522  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Thanks for shopping with us!
 Praise  chiggychonga (1294)  Oct 16, 2024  26277661  Buyer 
 A+ Buyer - Thank you for stopping by!
 Praise  exarkahn (44)  Oct 8, 2024  26377554  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order!
 Praise  ToyBrickHouse (855)  Oct 2, 2024  26325133  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Quick payment, smooth transaction. Welcome back anytime!
 Praise  EpitaphBrick (129)  Sep 23, 2024  26180292  Buyer 
 Great Buyer! Thanks for shopping at Epitaph Bricks!
 Praise  MichaelEroyan (500)  Sep 10, 2024  26180883  Buyer 
 Thank you for your business with us! It is greatly appreciated!
 Praise  gqbuilder (14)  May 13, 2024  25206061  Buyer 
 Thanks for the repeat business. Valued customer!
 Praise  fianlego (71)  May 11, 2024  25105471  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thank you and welcome back!
 Praise  brickstudios142 (86)  Apr 27, 2024  25088539  Buyer 
 Thank you
 Praise  Aken (99)  Apr 12, 2024  24961498  Buyer 
 Thank you for your purchase 🙂
 Praise  isaacmflorez101 (6106)  Apr 2, 2024  24831993  Buyer 
 Awesome buyer! Highly recommend. Thanks for supporting Epicbricks!
 Praise  gqbuilder (14)  Mar 29, 2024  24832075  Buyer 
 Prompt payment, great buyer
 Praise  zackhart (105)  Mar 21, 2024  24674366  Buyer 
 Excellent transaction! Thank you!!
 Praise  anotherchris (1288)  Feb 15, 2024  24387282  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Easy transaction. Enjoy your minifigs!
 Praise  BnB_Brickworks (3520)  Feb 12, 2024  24402366  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping with Bug and Bear Brickworks!
 Praise  Smokystrading (5519)  Feb 12, 2024  24387678  Buyer 
 Thank you for your purchase, smooooooth transaction & prompt payment
 Praise  premiumminifigs (3630)  Feb 10, 2024  24396826  Buyer 
 Super Fast Payment, Easy To Work With, Enjoy! Come Again ›› premium_minifigs ‹‹
 Praise  DailyCompulsion (390)  Dec 11, 2023  23812882  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thank you for shopping at The Daily Compulsion!

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