Feedback Forum: Profile of WGB3678 (101): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  rhblockshop (1763)  Oct 1, 2024  26297523  Buyer 
 Excellent order. Quick payment. Welcome back any time.
 Praise  LifeInPieces (4031)  Oct 1, 2024  26297528  Buyer 
 Big Thanks from Life In Pieces! Follow us on Instagram @LifeInPiecesBrickShop
 Praise  Lehi_Legos (530)  Sep 29, 2024  26297499  Buyer 
 Thanks, enjoy!
 Praise  Treehunter3969 (1222)  Sep 28, 2024  26322205  Buyer 
 Fast payment. Good buyer!
 Praise  starbeanie (11196)  Sep 28, 2024  26305324  Buyer 
 fast payment, great customer
 Praise  Erwin3581 (1124)  Jul 21, 2024  25692920  Buyer 
 Excellent Buyer!!! Immediate Payment!!! Much Thanks from Collectors Bricks!!!
 Praise  apl2021 (1019)  Jul 13, 2024  24602554  Buyer 
 ~~~~~A++ buyer~~~~~~
 Praise  Scotts (14598)  May 16, 2024  24642433  Buyer 
 Thank you for your business!
 Praise  Got2BuildEmAll (3293)  May 7, 2024  24322756  Buyer 
 thank you for shopping with us, hope to see you back!! A++ Buyer
 Praise  BeaverStever (3840)  Mar 15, 2024  24498866  Buyer 

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