Feedback Forum: Profile of sgj.wright (253): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  ExplodingFruit (1743)  Aug 1, 2024  25853159  Buyer 
 Great Buyer. Follow us on Instagram-- Lego_explodingbrickguy
 Praise  lchurch (655)  Jul 31, 2024  25839557  Buyer 
 Smooth transaction. Quick payment. Thanks for shopping at DJBrickMaster.
 Praise  noahpaw23 (15)  Jul 31, 2024  25810230  Buyer 
 Great buyer, would highly recommend! Come back anytime!
 Praise  EcofriendlyBrik (1656)  Jul 31, 2024  25839566  Buyer 
 Great Buyer! Thanks for the quick payment, Build on!! :)
 Praise  ToysAndCardsNY (323)  Jul 27, 2024  25797706  Buyer 
 Thank you so much!
 Praise  ClarkFamily5080 (440)  Jul 17, 2024  25467651  Buyer 
 Quick payment great to deal with. Thank you for the purchase
 Praise  RasulStore (271)  Jul 9, 2024  25467646  Buyer 
 A+++ buyer! Thanks a lot for your order!
 Praise  kurichan013 (135)  Jun 13, 2024  25471172  Buyer 
 Very smooth transaction and super fast payment. Great buyer!
 Praise  shonboi (12253)  May 20, 2024  24792307  Buyer 
 It is my pleasure to welcome a great buyer back!
 Praise  slobis (295)  May 4, 2024  24839169  Buyer 
 Fast PAyment!!! A+++++++
 Praise  slobis (295)  May 4, 2024  24792270  Buyer 
 Fast PAyment!!! A+++++++
 Praise  toki_b (119)  Apr 1, 2024  24792081  Buyer 
 Great buyer, fast payment! Thank you!
 Praise  KsBricks71 (529)  Mar 30, 2024  24766176  Buyer 
 Great buyer, fast payment, friendly. Smooth transaction. A+
 Praise  The_Boyz_Bricks (212)  Mar 27, 2024  24766182  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thanks for your order!!
 Praise  dnabrix (12938)  Mar 25, 2024  24766168  Buyer 
 Thanks so much for shopping with DNA Brix! See you again soon :)
 Praise  Josh1oreilly (1163)  Mar 25, 2024  24792449  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Fast Payment. Please come again!
 Praise  uwjedi (6238)  Mar 21, 2024  24766160  Buyer 
 Praise  Thakorr (2044)  Mar 21, 2024  24766171  Buyer 
 Thank you!
 Praise  stitchbrick (68)  Jan 24, 2024  23912196  Buyer 
 Highly regarded buyer. Thanks for your business.
 Praise  slickdeals4u (96)  Jan 18, 2024  23919919  Buyer 
 quick payment, A++++++
 Praise  WapiBricksLLC (2330)  Jan 8, 2024  23919912  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping with Wapi Bricks. See you next time!
 Praise  JuicyBoyJack (78)  Jan 2, 2024  23925523  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping with Brickamania NWA!
 Praise  SageDaffodil30 (195)  Dec 31, 2023  22828613  Buyer 
 Great buyer
 Praise  SageDaffodil30 (195)  Dec 31, 2023  23185814  Buyer 
 Great buyer
 Praise  TBD_BRICKS (968)  Dec 31, 2023  23919927  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Thank you for shopping with TBD_BRICKS!
 Praise  Caroline77 (1649)  Dec 19, 2023  23818305  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order!
 Praise  TwoButtonBricks (16023)  Dec 12, 2023  23818291  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer, thank you! Welcome back anytime!
 Praise  tabidika (2424)  Dec 11, 2023  23818311  Buyer 
 great buyer,fast payment,thank you!
 Praise  eBricksOnline (40867)  Oct 16, 2023  23313669  Buyer 
  *_.·*´¯`·Thank you for shopping at eBricks! Come visit us in person! ·´¯`*·._*
 Praise  Misorski (24)  Sep 3, 2023  22993128  Buyer 
 Quick payment, thank you for the order!
 Praise  lattafamily (4588)  Aug 28, 2023  22940197  Buyer 
 Excellent transaction, please visit BricksfromColorado again!
 Praise  jjack (9453)  Aug 27, 2023  22940200  Buyer 
 Great BrickLinker! Thank you so much for your repeat business!
 Praise  FamilyBlocks (8031)  Aug 26, 2023  22940202  Buyer 
  Fast payment. Thank you for returning to Family Blocks.
 Praise  BulkDiscount (3240)  Aug 11, 2023  22828645  Buyer 
 Thank You!
 Praise  Todd_Holaday (217)  Jun 26, 2023  22128351  Buyer 
 Praise  WALWALMAIC (177)  May 30, 2023  22255859  Buyer 
  Great buyer. Thanks for shopping. Hope to see you back soon!
 Praise  BrickWurst007 (141)  May 26, 2023  22148444  Buyer 
 Great Buyer! Smooth Transaction!
 Praise  dansj (3558)  May 24, 2023  20987838  Buyer 
 Thank you!
 Praise  kevblee (648)  May 23, 2023  21675337  Buyer 
 Great buyer, thanks and Happy Building from BRICKSTRUCT
 Praise  Lakeshore_BAM (382)  May 22, 2023  22127396  Buyer 
 Awesome buyer! Thanks for another order!
 Praise  skubbz1985 (3871)  May 22, 2023  22215067  Buyer 
 Thank you for your continued orders. Excellent buyer!
 Praise  Malis8912 (24)  May 11, 2023  22124875  Buyer 
 Thanks for the purchase!
 Praise  Lakeshore_BAM (382)  Apr 21, 2023  21666333  Buyer 
 Awesome buyer! Thanks for your order!
 Praise  GoodNiteGrandma (5919)  Mar 27, 2023  21665303  Buyer 
 Great Bricklinker!! Thank you for you order A++++
 Praise  pureoil66 (2804)  Mar 20, 2023  21665301  Buyer 
 Thanks for the order. Great Buyer!
 Praise  minifigmountain (5986)  Mar 20, 2023  21665297  Buyer 
 Instant payment, thanks for shopping with me again!
 Praise  Acorn04 (11879)  Feb 7, 2023  21274736  Buyer 
 ▀▄▀▄▀ Thank you for investing in Lego with GBL! ▀▄▀▄▀
 Praise  SC_BrixandFigz (277)  Jan 16, 2023  21014951  Buyer 
 great buyer
 Praise  CraigPoma (411)  Jan 6, 2023  20898121  Buyer 
 Fast Payment. Great Buyer. Thank you from POMACS Curios.
 Praise  Thatbricklady (4723)  Jan 4, 2023  20898133  Buyer 
 Thanks :) enjoy and see you next time!

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