Feedback Forum: Profile of Horseplay7447 (150): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Rayred73 (4018)  Jun 19, 2024  25498649  Buyer 
 Thanks so much for shopping at LAbricks! Great buyer with fast payment! A+!
 Praise  bricksanywhere (4949)  Jan 18, 2024  24137688  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Thanks from the Bricks Anywhere team!
 Praise  rebelbrickz (1748)  Jun 30, 2023  22487074  Buyer 
 Great buyer, thanks for shopping at rebelbrickz!
 Praise  Hoopituptim1023 (22)  May 9, 2023  21370549  Seller 
 Praise  Block_Of_Flats (1315)  Apr 18, 2023  21836263  Buyer 
 Friendly buyer, welcome back! Thank you:)
 Praise  amyfol (58621)  Apr 12, 2023  21836420  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Till next time at Kentuckiana Bricks!
 Praise  tons_of_bricks (13404)  Jan 27, 2023  20943186  Buyer 
 Thank you for choosing Tons of Bricks!
 Praise  mcstinson (137)  Jan 13, 2023  20974554  Seller 
 Praise  Danrodden (2931)  Dec 15, 2022  20572582  Buyer 
 Thank you for choosing Bellevue Brickz!
 Praise  ANHDesigns (313)  Nov 29, 2022  20572470  Buyer 
 no issues. good transaction

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