Feedback Forum: Profile of Aurimax (3962): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Gamstr (18)  Nov 5, 2022  20270748  Seller 
 Good seller. Fast and good packed. Thanks.
 Praise  staffanh (321)  Nov 2, 2022  20266568  Seller 
 Everything fine and excellent condition. Thanks for good service!
 Praise  _LEGORADO_ (5878)  Nov 1, 2022  20370671  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Thanks for your order and welcome back anytime!
 Praise  TheBiasCobra (78)  Oct 26, 2022  20224381  Seller 
 Praise  papyeti (153)  Oct 25, 2022  20212500  Seller 
 very beautiful minifig
 Praise  barcik (59)  Oct 25, 2022  19884681  Seller 
 Everything was ok :)
 Praise  MagicMagnus (63768)  Oct 25, 2022  20370688  Buyer 
 Fast payment, smooth transaction, thanks! Visit our store again at Magic Magnus!
 Praise  ALISADA (7564)  Oct 24, 2022  20370676  Buyer 
 Great buyer, Thank you for shopping at ALISADA anytime welcome again.
 Praise  Dzejkop (7771)  Oct 24, 2022  19841927  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Thank you for an easy, pleasant transaction.
 Praise  BRICKLAND.PL (7294)  Oct 24, 2022  20061879  Buyer 
 Praise  RafalMikolaj (208)  Oct 23, 2022  20189282  Seller 
 Bardzo dziękuję, szybka i sprawna transakcja, polecam Sprzedającego!
 Praise  kubabrick (5519)  Oct 17, 2022  20061911  Buyer 
 Praise (10595)  Oct 17, 2022  19921235  Buyer 
 Thank you for your purchase. Have fun with the bricks.
 Praise  Dorota1978 (345)  Oct 15, 2022  20301161  Seller 
 Było super ;)
 Praise  Mini_Wizardy (3394)  Oct 11, 2022  20202655  Seller 
 Excellent parts and service!
 Praise  PushinB (92)  Oct 10, 2022  20070248  Seller 
 Thank you! Great seller!
 Praise  miazkowaty (66)  Oct 8, 2022  20212898  Seller 
 Fast shipment, great customer service.
 Praise  gawron911 (181)  Oct 6, 2022  19328397  Seller 
 Polecam .
 Praise  GrandMasterMatt (3609)  Oct 4, 2022  19858147  Seller 
 AAA - LegoCertProfessionall Poland - GrandMaster Matt Kustra
 Praise  legoarmy_1 (28)  Sep 27, 2022  20070446  Seller 
 Praise  daralica (711)  Sep 26, 2022  19842367  Seller 
 Excellent and many thanks for the extras/accessories - A+
 Praise  Kotton (133)  Sep 21, 2022  20081738  Seller 
 Everything OK, thank you!
 Praise  ALISADA (7564)  Sep 14, 2022  20061853  Buyer 
 Great buyer, Thank you for shopping at ALISADA anytime welcome again.
 Praise  AHFB (17988)  Sep 14, 2022  20061895  Buyer 
 Great buyer, fast payment, thank you and welcome back to A HandFul of Bricks!
 Praise  jarere (120)  Sep 13, 2022  19677220  Seller 
  Perfect, Fast shipping! Top Seller.

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