Feedback Forum: Profile of GreyPea (59): Buyer Feedback: Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Xfinity21 (2209)  Jul 21, 2021  16759753  Buyer 
 Great buyer - Fast Payment - Thank you from Xfinity21
 Praise  MyTwoPence (19527)  Jul 21, 2021  16757390  Buyer 
 Thank you!
 Praise  Brick_king98 (738)  Jul 20, 2021  16710132  Buyer 
 Good customer, thanks for shopping at Brick Counter.
 Praise  MLBW (1539)  Jun 6, 2021  16470138  Buyer 
 Great customer, thank you for shopping at My Little Brick World!!
 Praise  UnitedParts (4381)  Apr 30, 2021  16175461  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer, paid quickly. Thank you for using United Parts!
 Praise  Brick_Market_UK (1802)  Apr 5, 2021  15985707  Buyer 
 Prompt payment, valued customer. Thank you for your purchase at BrickMarketUK
 Praise  Rob_and_Shelagh (26424)  Mar 22, 2021  15833889  Buyer 
 Great buyer as always! Many thanks again from Yellow Farm, always welcome
 Praise  bricknationtoys (7792)  Feb 24, 2021  15566131  Buyer 
 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Thank you for shopping at Bricknation Toys!
 Praise  UnitedParts (4381)  Feb 11, 2021  15431117  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer, paid quickly. Thank you for using United Parts!
 Praise  Rob_and_Shelagh (26424)  Dec 14, 2020  14899926  Buyer 
 Super repeat buyer, many thanks for choosing Yellow Farm again, always welcome

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