Feedback Forum: Profile of CNH1974 (1779): Positive Comments
ID Card

CNH1974 (1779)

Location:  United Kingdom, England
Member Since Contact Type Status
Oct 8, 2014 Member Does Not Allow Contact Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: CMOTs Oblong Objects

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  shinypenny (67)  Feb 15, 2025  27539562  Seller 
 A1 thanks
 Praise  letsgoconstruct (834)  Feb 11, 2025  27061725  Seller 
 Good communication despite parcel not arriving.
 Praise  benthomas21 (28)  Feb 11, 2025  26478599  Seller 
 Excellent seller
 Praise  Mosguido (159)  Feb 8, 2025  27471680  Seller 
 excellent and all items as described, great seller
 Praise  Markchester_76 (227)  Feb 7, 2025  27469684  Buyer 
 great buyer, welcome back anytime
 Praise  dalesoar (3636)  Feb 7, 2025  26776873  Buyer 
 Thank you for ordering in my store, please do return, regards
 Praise  Barney688 (662)  Feb 6, 2025  27458496  Seller 
 All as described, fast postage and delivery
 Praise  AwesomeStuff (181)  Feb 5, 2025  27348716  Buyer 
 Great Customer, thanks for everything hope you enjoyed!
 Praise  RichardAM (400)  Feb 4, 2025  27303090  Seller 
 Praise  ellyriches (21542)  Feb 4, 2025  27452107  Buyer 
 Great buyer, always welcome, thanks for using Bricksnbitz, A*****

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