Catalog: Minifigures: DUPLO: Little Forest Friends: 31234pb03: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 Change Description By
Minifigure 31234pb03 Duplo Figure Little Forest Friends, Female, White Dress with Three Red Berries (Dreamer Meadowsweet): axaday (7490)
    CompletedChanged Packing Dimensions from {0 x 0 x 0} to {4.65 x 5 x 2.95}
Minifigure 31234pb03 Duplo Figure Little Forest Friends, Female, White Dress with Three Red Berries (Dreamer Meadowsweet): SimplyBricks (18814)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Duplo Figure Little Forest Friends, Female, White Dress with Three Red Berries}