Catalog: Minifigures: Space: Classic Space: sp075: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 Change Description By
Minifigure sp075 Classic Space Droid - Hinge Base, Black with Trans-Yellow Eyes (Inv): axaday (7604)
    CompletedChanged Packing Dimensions from {0 x 0 x 0} to {2.9 x 4.3 x 1.8}
Minifigure sp075 Classic Space Droid - Hinge Base, Black with Trans-Yellow Eyes (Inv): DeLuca (293)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Classic Space Droid, Black with Trans-Yellow Eyes}
Minifigure sp075 Classic Space Droid - Hinge Base, Black with Trans-Yellow Eyes (Inv): axaday (7604)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Classic Space Droid - Set 6931}