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39 Items Found. Page 1 of 1 (Showing 50 Items Per Page)

ImageItem No.Description
Set No: 2192  Name: Drilldozer 2192-1 (InvDrilldozer
61 Parts, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 2193  Name: Jetbug 2193-1 (InvJetbug
63 Parts, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 2194  Name: Nitroblast 2194-1 (InvNitroblast
57 Parts, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 2231  Name: Waspix 2231-1 (InvWaspix
48 Parts, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 2232  Name: Raw-Jaw 2232-1 (InvRaw-Jaw
52 Parts, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 2233  Name: Fangz 2233-1 (InvFangz
55 Parts, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 2235  Name: Fire Lord 2235-1 (InvFire Lord
125 Parts, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 2236  Name: Scorpio 2236-1 (InvScorpio
104 Parts, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 2283  Name: Witch Doctor 2283-1 (InvWitch Doctor
331 Parts, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 6201  Name: Toxic Reapa 6201-1 (InvToxic Reapa
42 Parts, 2012
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 6203  Name: Black Phantom 6203-1 (InvBlack Phantom
124 Parts, 2012
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 6216  Name: Jawblade 6216-1 (InvJawblade
45 Parts, 2012
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 6218  Name: Splitface 6218-1 (InvSplitface
50 Parts, 2012
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 6222  Name: Core Hunter 6222-1 (InvCore Hunter
51 Parts, 2012
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 6228  Name: Thornraxx 6228-1 (InvThornraxx
44 Parts, 2012
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 6229  Name: XT4 6229-1 (InvXT4
39 Parts, 2012
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 6231  Name: Speeda Demon 6231-1 (InvSpeeda Demon
192 Parts, 2012
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 6283  Name: Voltix 6283-1 (InvVoltix
61 Parts, 2012
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 7145  Name: Von Nebula 7145-1 (InvVon Nebula
156 Parts, 2010
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 7147  Name: XPlode 7147-1 (InvXPlode
45 Parts, 2010
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 7148  Name: Meltdown 7148-1 (InvMeltdown
50 Parts, 2010
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 7156  Name: Corroder 7156-1 (InvCorroder
40 Parts, 2010
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 7157  Name: Thunder 7157-1 (InvThunder
47 Parts, 2010
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 7162  Name: Rotor 7162-1 (InvRotor
145 Parts, 2010
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44001  Name: Pyrox 44001-1 (InvPyrox
50 Parts, 2013
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44003  Name: Scarox 44003-1 (InvScarox
46 Parts, 2013
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44005  Name: Bruizer 44005-1 (InvBruizer
62 Parts, 2013
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44007  Name: Ogrum 44007-1 (InvOgrum
59 Parts, 2013
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44009  Name: Dragon Bolt 44009-1 (InvDragon Bolt
149 Parts, 2013
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44011  Name: Frost Beast 44011-1 (InvFrost Beast
60 Parts, 2013
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44013  Name: Aquagon 44013-1 (InvAquagon
41 Parts, 2013
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44016  Name: JAW Beast vs. STORMER 44016-1 (InvJAW Beast vs. STORMER
38 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 2014
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44020  Name: FLYER Beast vs. BREEZ 44020-1 (InvFLYER Beast vs. BREEZ
78 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 2014
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44021  Name: SPLITTER Beast vs. FURNO & EVO 44021-1 (InvSPLITTER Beast vs. FURNO & EVO
88 Parts, 2 Minifigures, 2014
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44024  Name: TUNNELER Beast vs. SURGE 44024-1 (InvTUNNELER Beast vs. SURGE
48 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 2014
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44026  Name: CRYSTAL Beast vs. BULK 44026-1 (InvCRYSTAL Beast vs. BULK
70 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 2014
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 44029  Name: QUEEN Beast vs. FURNO, EVO & STORMER 44029-1 (InvQUEEN Beast vs. FURNO, EVO & STORMER
188 Parts, 4 Minifigures, 2014
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 66485  Name: Hero Factory Bundle Pack (Sets 44001, 44003, and 44007) 66485-1 (InvHero Factory Bundle Pack (Sets 44001, 44003, and 44007)
3 Sets, 2013
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
Set No: 2856227  Name: Hero Factory Fire Villains Collection 2856227-1 (InvHero Factory Fire Villains Collection
4 Sets, 2011
Catalog: SetsHero FactoryVillains
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